Projekt:Första versionen av Europeana Awareness projektbeskrivning

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Detta är projektsidan för Europeana Awareness som är en del av Verksamhetsplan 2012/Innehållsdonationer.


Titel på ansökan: Europeana Awareness.
Bearbetad projektbeskrivning
Ansökningsnummer: 297261
Sökande organisation: Europeana Foundation. Totalt ingår 49 organsiationer varav Wikimedia Sverige är en.
Typ av projekt: Projektet är centraliserat vilket innebär att det administreras och följs upp centralt från Bryssel av Europeana Foundation.
Officiella dokument:
Projektledare för Wikimedia Sverige: Lennart Guldbrandsson[1]

Kortfattad projektbeskrivning

Europeana Awareness is a Best Practice Network, led by the Europeana Foundation, designed to:

  • publicise Europeana to users, policy makers, politicians and cultural heritage organisations in every Member State so as to encourage the use and contribution of content, raise awareness of cultural heritage as an economic driver and promote knowledge transfer
  • promote its use by a broad public for a variety of purposes including recreation and hobbies, research, learning, genealogy and tourism – engaging users via user generation of content, creation of digital stories and social networking
  • develop new partnerships with 4 key sectors which are currently underexploited by Europeana: public libraries; local archival groups; broadcast organisations and open culture re-users (programmers, developers, researchers and activists)
  • put in place new distribution channels for Europeana content working with the tourism sector
  • further encourage cultural institutions to continue to provide content in particular by: raising awareness of the opportunities provided by the new Europeana Licensing framework; developing mechanisms for collective rights management; and increasing the amount of content in Europeana that can be freely re-used

A wide variety of media and channels, both online and offline, will be used to ensure promotion of appropriate and consistent messages to different stakeholder groups. The approaches to be used have been chosen so as d to align closely with the goals of the Europeana Strategic Plan 2011-15 and include both top-down and bottom–up activities.

The 48 partner consortium brings together leading players with strong track records in the Europeana network in the areas of work to be undertaken, as well as some new players with specific expertise in areas such as PR, User Generated Content and cultural tourism. Every Member State is represented by a Country Partner who will have a key role in continuing the PR work kicked off by the EAwareness campaigns.


[1] 17.000 for GLAM WIKI event in February 2013 See section other costs: "WP2 – Europeana Foundation A further €8,500 is allocated for a conference jointly organised by the Europeana Foundation and  Wikimedia Sweden, aimed at the Wikimedia community and taking place in Month 24." WP2-WMSW "€8,500 is allocated for a conference jointly organised by Wikimedia Sweden and the Europeana Foundation, aimed at the Wikimedia community and taking place in Month 24. " 

We can still change details, but the plan is the host the big event in PM24. The idea would be this will be the moment where Wikimedia and Europeana make an announcement on their collaboration. It could coincide with the end-event for the Wiki Loves Public Art campaign. This should be a big event.

[2] "WMSW will organise at least six GLAM-Wiki Europe events/contests – initially hosted at GLAMs in France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and UK, and will encourage participants to upload their own material under an open license for usage on Wikipedia. The GLAMs involved will be stimulated to also make freely available (parts of) their collection that relate to the themes. Issues related to intellectual property rights will be handled in conjunction with WP5. Work will take place between M8 and M20'"

We choose these countries as they have active GLAM wiki Chapters. It's up to you to coordinate these efforts. This is part of your task. My idea would be to set up collaborations between heritage partners in the project and the GLAM-wiki community. You can look at the proposal to get an idea of which 'pairs' you could envision.

An important task is organizing a Wiki Loves Public art; this is envisioned as a pan-EU campaign, somewhat similar to Wiki Loves Monuments.

"Work will take place between M8 and M20'" => "Work will take place between M6 and M20'.

You can naturally use the person months allocated to you to co-organise the event. But the way we've pictured it now, the 17.000 is reserved for the conference in PM24. Note that in total your task will host 5 events. So if you host the first one in Sweden, en if the final *big* one will take place in the Netherlands, there are still three events to organise. It's vital you get support from the GLAMs. Also, it's up to you to plan the Public Media Art campaign. I think it should run somewhere between PM20 and PM23, but I'm open to suggestions.




Partipant name: Wikimedia Sweden


WP2: 14





Total MM (Man Months): 14

Average rate: 5 000

Total personnel: 70 000

"Travel costs": 5 400


"Other costs": 8 500


80% EU contribution: 67 120

20% own contribution: 16 780


Projektet pågår under tre år. Under denna tid skall olika arbetsuppgifter (Workpacks, WP) med olika leveransdatum klaras av.

WP Number WP Title Lead beneficiary Person months Start month End month
WP 1 Public Media Campaign The British Library 171.00 1 36
WP 2 End-user engagement Stichting Nederlands Instituut Voor Beeld en Geluid 192.00 2 36
WP 3 Developing new partnerships MDR Partners (Consulting) Limited 102.00 2 36
WP 4 Connecting cultural content with the tourism Culture24 LBG 73.00 1 36
WP 5 Copyright and related rights framework Stichting Nederland Kennisland 72.00 1 36
WP 6 Management and coordination Europeana Foundation 48.00 1 36
Total 658.00

Wikimedia Sveriges insats uppgår till 14 personmånader under WP2, som beskrivs så här:

  • Perform an analysis of state-of-play regarding end-user involvement that will help define opportunities and challenges for Europeana
  • Create a digital storytelling platform as a new component for the Europeana service. We will examine the specific functional requirements linking existing platforms for UGC to Europeana
  • Launch a fixed number of thematic campaigns that each cover a specific challenge for gathering and linking UGC to Europeana
  • Establish close collaborations with Wikimedia


The Europeana Awareness all partner kick-off meeting will take place on 26 & 27 January 2012 (Thursday & Friday) at the National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague. We aim to start early on the 26th (09:00) and we aim to finish in the afternoon on the 27th (around 15:00).


Wikimedia Sverige har PIC: 964164384


  1. Mötesprotokoll/Protokoll 2011-09-12

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