Föreningens arbete/en

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Responsibilities and order of delegation.

This page is the chaper's general description of responsibilities and order of delegation, which defines how the work within the chapter is organized. The chapter's main goal is to conduct the activities with as much openess and transparency as possible, without restricting third parties' interests, and to give as many as possible a chance to participate and influence the activities. Other reules, guidelines and policies are presented in order of priority.

The board

See also 5 § Styrelse in the chapter's bylaws.

The board is the chapter's highest decision maker between the annual neetings and has the overall responsibility for the chapter, the chapter's activities and the chapter's employees. The board is responsible for the annual report and presents it for the annual meeting. The board is a peer association, which means that each board member has a duty to initiate and drive the chapter's activities and ensure that good decisions are taken. For decision making all votes are equal, the chairman has casting vote.

For some tasks special responsibilities apply and are described below. The chairman is appointed by the annual meeting and the other roles by the board, depending on need. The board decides upon policies, guidelines, strategies and project charters for larger projects. Continues reporting of smaller projects shall be given to the board.


  • the chapter's highest representative
  • calls for and leads the board meetings
  • is manager for the Executive Director
  • has employers responsibilities for the Executive Director
  • is the board's contact person for the Executive Director
  • is responsible for the group dynamic of the board
  • handles approvals in the treasurer's absence and what concerns the treasurer personally
  • is responsible for the board meetings' agenda
  • is responsible for follow-up of decisions from previous board meetings.


  • temporary standin for the chairman in case of absence
  • responsible for that the chapter's economy and related issues are handled in a correct way and in accordance with authorities regulations, the annual meeting's decisions and good manners
  • has within the board focus on financial issues,
  • checks that the chapter's payments, book keeping, annual report, accounting etc is done in a correct way,
  • sets up financial routines in collaboration with the Executive Director and economy administrator.
  • handles approvals in case of the Executive Director's absence and for what concerns the chairman, the board and the Executive Director personally.

Board members

  • Each board member is responsible for reading e-mails from the board, to keep informed about upcoming meetings and add topics that the board member wants to bring up for discussion to Next agenda.
  • Board members with appointed focus areas shall follow and report to the board and act as mentors towards the Executive Director in these areas.

The office

Executive Director

  • Leads the chapter's operational work.
  • Is responsible for the chapter's formal conatcts with authorities, banks and third parties and signs all relevant formal documents and contracts.
  • Is signatory and is responsible for that all documents are handled correctly.
  • Prepares proposals for the board for the needs of the operational activities.
  • Is permanently adjuct to the board meetings.
  • Is responsible for that the annual plan is implemented according to directives given by the board.
  • is project owner for the chapter's project and is responsible for project applications, execution, evaluation and reports to third parties.
  • Takes when necessary operational decisions within projects.
  • Reports result and deviations from the projects and the running activities to the board in advance of each board meeting.
  • Is responsible for evaluation of project to the board.
  • Prepares board meetings and decsion basis and is responsible for the execution of the decisions.
  • Is responsible for the member register and communication with the members and the Wikimedia community.
  • Is resposnible for organizing the annual meeting.
Enployer's responsibilities
  • Has employer's responsibilities for the chapter's employees.
  • Manages and allocates the work for the employees.
  • Has responsibility for recruiting and employing and for setting up an orgainzational structure and employment plan.
  • Can independently hire staff in accorance with the employment plan.
  • Handles work environment issues, development of the employees, revision of salaries etc, in accordance with the human resource ploicy.
  • Approves business travels.
Budget responsibility
  • Handles the chapter's resources according to the annual meeting's and the baords guidelines.
  • Is responsibe for that the chapter's payments, book keeping, accounting etc is correct and done according to the law.
  • Is responsible for the chapter's fundraising and financials towards the board.
  • Can decide upon expenses up to an amount of 100.000 SEK.
  • Approves expenses, payments, accounting and book keeping to other employees aand third parties.

Economy assistant

  • Handles daily financial issues.
  • Handles financial administration and daily book keeping.
  • Is responsible for preparing reporting to the Executive Director well in advance.
  • Is responsible for keeping the Executive Director updated concerning all finacial issues.
  • Handles payrolls and tax declarations.
  • Establishes annual financial report, book keeping etc.
  • Updates the inventory report.

Project manager

  • Executes on behalf of the Executive Director the various projects with the framework of decided project charters.
  • Has permission for purchaes within the projects up to 5.000 SEK delegated by the Executive Director.
  • Prepares project charters, goals and budget to the Executive Director.
  • Evaluates projects.

Board meetings

See also 6 § Styrelsesammanträde in the chapter's bylaws.

Meeting schedule

  • The schedule for the borad meetings for the coming year is set at the bord's first meeting and published on the chapter's wiki.
  • The meetings can be held on distance and each board member is responsible for having necessary equipment for connection.
  • Invitations to the meetings are normally not sent out and it is each board member's responsibility to keep informed about meeting times which shall be published on the wiki and be linked to from Next agenda. Time for the meeting shall be decided upon at the previous meeting at the latest.
  • The Executive Director is permanently adjunct to the board meetings.


  • The agenda for the next board meeting shall be published on Next agenda. Each board member, who wants to bring up a topic on a meeting, is responsible for adding the topic to the agenda and link to relevant documents.
  • The chairman shall set up an agenda five days after previous meeting at the latest and addons/changes shall be avoided later than two days before the meeting.
  • In addition to the board members, the Executive Director has the right to add topics to the agenda.

Meeting minutes

  • Shall in normal case be public and published on the wiki as soon as possible after the meeting.
  • In special cases some additional information might need to be noted only internally.