Projekt:Öppen databas för offentlig konst 2013/Reserapport Amsterdam Hackathon 2013
Reserapport 2013-04-29

- Resenär: André Costa
- Eventuell medresenär:
- Resans ändamål: Medverka i Wikimedias Amsterdam Hackathon 2013
- Rese-ID: 2013-21
- Resedatum: 23-27 maj 2013
- Resebeslutfattare: John Andersson
- Resebeslut
Deltog på hackathon och deltog där i diskussioner kring:
- Wikidata i allmänhet samt även specifikt dess användningsområde för ÖDOK och WLM/WLPA.
- WLM 2013 i Finland, vad detta innebär för arbete och var man enklast startar.
- WLPA 2013 i Finland. Fördjupning av e-mail diskussioner som först kring förberedelserna av tävlingen.
- Kartor och kartdata samt hur denna kan presenteras och lagras i wikidata.
Jag buggfixade även ett verktyg för uppladdningar av Europeana material samt (självfallet) kodade på ÖDOK.
För Europeana
- Title of the event: Event 6: The Netherlands (Wikimedia Hackathon Amsterdam 2013)
- Background: Wikimedia's annual development community meet-up.
- the aim of the event: An oportunity for both seasoned and new developers, as well as people working for Wikimedia Foundation, to come together and hacking anything related to MediaWiki or one of the Wikimedia projects such as tools, pywikipedia, gadgets, extensions, templates, etc.
- about the organizing team: Organised by Wikimedia Netherlands with support from the Wikimedia Foundation
- about the participating organizations: Various Wikimedia chapters (and Wikimedia Foundation) members along with several individual developers.
- Date: 24-26 May
- Location: Amsterdam
- Impact: Low
- Number of guest attenders + description of audience: Approx 150 attendees. Mainly developers of MediaWiki and Wikimedia related tools.
- Participation: Approximately 10 people. André and one other developer directly involved in the hacking. André and the remaining involved in discussions regarding the various challenges encountered during WLPA 2013 and how to best coordinate efforts to mitigate these for WLPA 2014.
- File usage: None
- PR and Dissemination of Results: None
- Connection to Europeana’s material:
- Bug-fixing of tool for uploading Europeana material to Wikimedia Commons. This tool has since been used for uploads involved in the preparation of various Europeana edit-a-thons.
- Further development of WLPA material and tools needed for Sweden's participation in WLPA 2014.
- Discussions related to WLPA 2013 and the various challenges faced by the different countries due to differences in copyright legislation and the availability of official records. Also discussions relating to what may be done differently for 2014 and whether the tools developed as part of Wikimedia Sverige's "Open Database of Public Art in Sweden" could be used by other countries in order to facilitate the preparation of their datasets.
- Programme: Amsterdam_Hackathon_2013#Schedule
- Budget: Travel and other costs were covered by the "Open Database of Public Art in Sweden" project.
Eventuella kommentarer av uppföljningskaraktär
Utfall kostnader
Vad | Summa | Övrigt |
Flyg | 3 253:- | KLM |
SL | 75:- | Passageavgift Arlanda |
Tåg | 71,45 | Schipol-Amsterdam-Schipol (€8.30) |
Boende | 874,48:- | StayOK Hostel |
Traktamente | 675:- | |
Summa | 4 948,93:- |