This participant-driven meeting will be organized by the Wikimedia Foundation’s Language Product Localization team and the Language Diversity Hub. There will be presentations on topics like developing language keyboards, the creation of the Moore Wikipedia, and the language support track at Wiki Indaba. We will also have members from the Wayuunaiki community joining us to share their experiences with the Incubator and as a new community within our movement. This meeting will have a Spanish interpretation.
Looking forward to seeing you at the language community meeting! Cheers, Srishti 21 november 2024 kl. 20.53 (CET)
I november 2019 beslutades att Wikimedia Sverige skulle ansöka om medlemskap i branschorganisationen Giva Sverige, varpå en medlemsansökan skickades in. Sedan dess har Wikimedia Sverige en medlemssida på Giva Sveriges webblats med uppgifter om vår verksamhet samt vad föreningen står för, information om insamlade medel, och förstås också kontaktuppgifter. Dessvärre är en del av de sistnämnda uppgifterna föråldrade – där anges fortfarande Goto10 på Hammarby Kaj (alltså Internetstiftelsen) som Wikimedia Sveriges besöks- och postadress. Det borde förstås ändras till den nuvarande adressen, d.v.s. Norrsken House på Birger Jarlsgatan.
På samma sida borde också domännamnet i länken till Wikimedia Sveriges konto på X korrigeras. Den pekar idag till "Twitter", det vill säga den gamla domänen. Det funkar fortfarande ibland, men på vissa plattformar eller operativsystem och (versioner av) webbläsare så händer ingenting när man klickar på länken, och i en del fall försöker webbläsaren bara ladda ned en fil till datorn istället för att öppna själva webbplatsen.
De övriga uppgifterna om e-post, telefon, föreningens organisationsnummer samt Swisch/bankgiro etc verkar vara korrekta. Detsamma gäller länkarna till PDF-filerna angående årsredovisning och effektrapporter.
My apologies for writing in English.
Hjälp till att översätta till ditt språk.
This is a reminder that the first phase of the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines will be closing soon. You can make suggestions for changes through the end of day, 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review.
Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta. After review of the feedback, proposals for updated text will be published on Meta in March for another round of community review.
Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.
-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 3 februari 2025 kl. 01.48 (CET)
My apologies for writing in English.
Hjälp till att översätta till ditt språk.
I am writing to you to let you know the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines is open now. You can make suggestions for changes through 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review.
Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta.
Vad har hänt med logotypen på den här wikin? Den liknar ingen som finns i c:Category:Wikimedia Sverige logos och spärrningen på SVERIGE är onödigt stor.
Det ser olika ut beroende på vilket MediaWiki-utseende ("skin") man valt i sina användarinställningar. Det är bara i det nya standardutseendet Vector 2022 som logotypen ser ut som du beskriver. Men den ser även annorlunda ut i ett par andra skins: använder man Timeless visas bara Wikimedia-symbolen (alltså utan texten "WIKIMEDIA SVERIGE"), och i MinervaNeue syns logotypen inte alls. Om man istället väljer det tidigare standardutseendet Vector 2010 eller MonoBook så ser logotypen ut som den ska, alltså såhär: commons:File:Wikimedia Sverige logo - vertical.svg.
Måhända är det någonting i SVG-koden för den mediafilen som krockar med koden i det senaste standardutseendet Vector 2022? Till exempel så kan SVG-filer innehålla CSS-kod, som bland annat kan styra spärrad text (och till viss del också kerning) direkt i själva mediafilen.
The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.
What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?
The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.
Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”
Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.
The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.
What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?
The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.
Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”
Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.
Since that point, AffCom has been working with the Board of Trustees, Foundation staff, affiliates, and wider community members to enable them to provide appropriate guidance to affiliates regarding what it means to be an active and healthy Wikimedia organisation. As a result of those conversations, the committee has voted to adopt the following 10 criteria for affiliates, grouped into four main areas:
Goal delivery
Organisational Development
Good governance & communication
Financial & legal compliance
Affiliate health & resilience
Leadership & Inclusion
Diverse, skilled, and accountable leadership
Diversity balance (especially gender)
Universal Code of Conduct compliance)
Engagement & Collaboration
Internal (membership) engagement
Community connection
Partnerships & collaboration
You are encouraged to read more details about each of these criteria here, including guidance on how each can be met. All criteria will be tracked for all affiliates, except for the criteria around financial and legal compliance, which only apply to those affiliates receiving funds and/or that are incorporated.
Staff and AffCom are working on streamlining affiliate reporting requirements, and responding to feedback raised during the community feedback period about the reporting burden. The new requirements of data collected in reports would be useful also for different Foundation teams and departments, and allow for the creation of detailed regional or global reports that demonstrate affiliate health and impact.
In July 2024, AffCom will work to finalise the implementation plans for the changes to the affiliate requirements and application process. In August 2024, updates will be made to Meta-wiki and other supporting platforms.
The insights from the 2023 process also included recognising a need to strengthen AffCom processes for evaluating potential User Groups’ furtherance of shared movement goals, sustainability, and general ability to be healthy and active movement participants. AffCom has adopted a revised process for User Group recognition, and will be pausing new User Group recognitions until September 2024.
No immediate changes are happening, except the pause of considering new User Group recognitions until September, for applications received after today, June 12, 2024. Once more detailed implementation plans are developed, there will be an update here and on the relevant Meta pages with the next steps after Wikimania.
Alternatively, you can join AffCom's open office hours on June 19 at 14:00 UTC or request a conversation as a part of Talking:2024. You can use the Let’s Talk to sign up for a time to speak with us.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Best regards,
Nat, Mike & Lorenzo
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Liaisons to the Affiliations Committee
Since that point, AffCom has been working with the Board of Trustees, Foundation staff, affiliates, and wider community members to enable them to provide appropriate guidance to affiliates regarding what it means to be an active and healthy Wikimedia organisation. As a result of those conversations, the committee has voted to adopt the following 10 criteria for affiliates, grouped into four main areas:
Goal delivery
Organisational Development
Good governance & communication
Financial & legal compliance
Affiliate health & resilience
Leadership & Inclusion
Diverse, skilled, and accountable leadership
Diversity balance (especially gender)
Universal Code of Conduct compliance)
Engagement & Collaboration
Internal (membership) engagement
Community connection
Partnerships & collaboration
You are encouraged to read more details about each of these criteria here, including guidance on how each can be met. All criteria will be tracked for all affiliates, except for the criteria around financial and legal compliance, which only apply to those affiliates receiving funds and/or that are incorporated.
Staff and AffCom are working on streamlining affiliate reporting requirements, and responding to feedback raised during the community feedback period about the reporting burden. The new requirements of data collected in reports would be useful also for different Foundation teams and departments, and allow for the creation of detailed regional or global reports that demonstrate affiliate health and impact.
In July 2024, AffCom will work to finalise the implementation plans for the changes to the affiliate requirements and application process. In August 2024, updates will be made to Meta-wiki and other supporting platforms.
The insights from the 2023 process also included recognising a need to strengthen AffCom processes for evaluating potential User Groups’ furtherance of shared movement goals, sustainability, and general ability to be healthy and active movement participants. AffCom has adopted a revised process for User Group recognition, and will be pausing new User Group recognitions until September 2024.
No immediate changes are happening, except the pause of considering new User Group recognitions until September, for applications received after today, June 12, 2024. Once more detailed implementation plans are developed, there will be an update here and on the relevant Meta pages with the next steps after Wikimania.
Alternatively, you can join AffCom's open office hours on June 19 at 14:00 UTC or request a conversation as a part of Talking:2024. You can use the Let’s Talk to sign up for a time to speak with us.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Best regards,
Nat, Mike & Lorenzo
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Liaisons to the Affiliations Committee