Organizational Best Practices

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Best practices for all organizations

  • Fulfill the basic legal and regulatory obligations of their jurisdiction

klar registrerad hos Skatteverket, årsmöte, medlemmar

  • (e.g. reporting, auditing, board structure, etc.).


  • Sign the necessary legal agreements (e.g. chapter, grant, trademark) to receive movement recognition or use movement resources like the trademarks.


  • Fulfill all commitments made to our movement

todo finns detta beskrivet någonstans vad som ingår?

  • (e.g., grants, chapters, fundraising, or trademark agreements).


  • Develop annual plans that include goals and planned program activities.

klar Det nu upparbetade sättet med verksamhetsplan och budget uppfyller nog detta

  • Best practice includes developing a high-level budget, planned sources of revenue, and an assessment of risks.

klar Behöver utöka riskanalysen. KPMG har också påpekat att vi måste hitta bredare finansiering

  • For more developed organizations, develop and publish a multi-year strategic plan with goals for the organization's development, with focus on vision impact.

klar Strategi/2012/en, Vision/Vision 2012/en

  • For more developed organizations, adopt core governance policies

todo Vi har börjat med att dokumentera våra riktlinjer, regler och policy

  • including a code of conduct for Board and staff

todo föreningens arbete

  • that requires at least disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest.


  • Fulfill the basic transparency and disclosure commitments of their jurisdiction and governing documents.

todo alla protokoll läggs upp på wikin, CiviCRM visar bokföringen

  • Publish activity reports frequently.

klar Projekten redovisar på sina respektive wikisidor. Vi skickar nyhetsbrev. Chapters reports skickas varje månad.

  • Best practice is publishing reports at least once every 90 days (every 180 days minimum) and linking to reports from Reports.

klar Månadsrapporter och kvartalsrapporter

  • Publish annual plans.

klar Det gör vi regelbundet

  • Best practice is publishing within 30 days of the beginning of the year and linking to this plan from Financial reports.


  • Publish annual financial reports.

klar Det gör vi varje år. Nya rutiner från 2012 vad gäller årsredovisningen.

  • Best practice is publishing within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year to and linking to reports from Financial reports.


  • Publish minutes of Board meetings

klar ALla protkoll ligger på Mötesprotokoll

  • and summaries of other organizational activities promptly.

klar Finns även på Verksamhetsberättelse

  • Best practice is reporting no later than 30 days after the session.


  • Publish information on any major donations at least annually.

todo Vi får visserligen inte så många major donations

  • Regularly publish information on significant grants given,

todo Vi kan bli bättre på att publicera på bloggen, webben, wikin

  • significant grants received,

klar tydligt att vi har fått pengar från WMF, EU, .SE och Chelha

  • and performance against those grants.

todo Vi kan redovisa projektrapporter på ett tydligare sätt

  • Publish information on any major partnership agreements at least annually.

klar Publiceras kontinuerligt men även i årsberättelsen

  • Movement organizations keep each other updated whenever appropriate on partnership discussions.

todo Idag diskuteras vissa saker på listorna. Europeana projektet berör många olika Chapters t.ex. Även Wiki-Skill berör många olika länder.

  • Conduct regular reviews of impact.

todo Verksamhetsplanen är formulerad som mål. Idag inga former för mätning av hur vi uppnår "impact"

  • This may include self-assessment, peer review, and feedback from the relevant volunteer community (e.g. editors in the country of a geographic chapter).

todo Har vi någon sådan undersökning mot Communityt?

  • It may also include a review of annual plans for each organization and the performance against those annual plans.

todo årsbokslutet innefattar uppföljning av verksamheten och ekonomin

  • Best practice is completing the annual assessment cycle by May 30 each year, following calendar year reporting but prior to the October start of the annual fundraiser.

todo Vad menas med detta?

  • While the primary goal of this assessment is to assist coaching and continuous improvement, best practices for such a process includes real consequences for continued failure to meet standards including the removal of recognition as part of the Wikimedia movement.

todo detta finns inte dokumenterat idag någonstans väl?

  • Support other movement organizations as they build capabilities to achieve program work and fulfill our movement's principles of accountability and transparency.

todo Under året har vi särskilt hållit kontakt med skandinaviska Chapters. Även andra Chapters. Men vi har inte dokumenterat det i någon rapport någonstans, alltså värt att ta med.

Best practices related to fundraising
  • Any organization using our movement's name to fundraise should be scrupulous about ensuring that communications with potential donors accurately reflect the intended use of those funds.


  • Organizations that participate as payment processors in the annual fundraising campaign may be required to follow additional practices such as preparing detailed documentation of funds handling procedures and controls,


  • following standards around donor privacy and security of donor data,

todo Har vi någon dokumentation om säkerhet kring detta. Hur sparar och lagrar vi dessa uppgifter?

  • documenting funds transfer expectations and legal assessment,

todo vad menas med detta?

  • submitting to the equivalent of a full grant review, and submitting to an annual on-site audit.

todo Vad menas med detta?