Chapters reports/2012-11
This is the chapters report for Wikimedia Sverige, November 2012. In all it has been a very good month, with some interesting new leads and some contacts that might develop into strong collaborations.
Education Programme
Lessons to learn
In this, together with the past month, we have gratefully received information, tips and best practices from Annie Lin at WMF and Cornelia Trefflich at WMDE. This has furthered our educational program in various ways but perhaps most importantly helped to minimise aspects which has already been tried with few results.
This month we have met Leif Johansson at SUNET. They work with SWAMID, an identity federation for universities and polytechs in Sweden. SWAMID is though a part of a much greater network of identity federations for universities and polytechs around the world in the EU, the US and Asia. They have put together an idea about using that identity when editing Wikipedia, which would most hopefully engage new contributors as they may easily show their contributions on WP together with articles they have published in journals and such, all collected through a single identity. I have contacted Erik Möller as Leif asked for the possibility to meet in person in either San Fransisco or Washington.
The academy for principals (Rektorsakademin utveckling)
We have met RAU and they have offered us to participate at their conference for teachers next year where we may have two seminars, one each day. We are also discussing the possibility of taking part in a course they're offering principals during spring where we may be responsible for one or two of the seminars in that course.
Meetup for volunteers
We have planned a day for volunteers, the 26th of January, here at Wikimedia Sweden. The idea is to go through ideas about how to present WMSE and the Wikipedia educational program here in Sweden.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
We have been holding workshop at KTH with engineering students who have the option to write their assignment on Wikipedia, which should be an article about a subject in their course of study. This collaboration will evolve further as the lecturer, Stefan, very much appreciate the idea.
FlexLär and Folkbildningsrådet
We have been present at two conferences, which were organised by and for the study-circle movement in Sweden. We have found several organisations who would be interested in holding circles about Wikipedia and Commons. We are now in the process of taking this further.
KMH Royal College of Music
We have had two workshops with a small course of four students and two professors. The students study to become teachers in music and music production. We have set up a Wikipedia project where they will contribute with their knowledge. In the spring, Wikipedia will in a more structured and planned way, become a part of this course as the professors have so far very much enjoyed to work with Wikipedia together with their students.
SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
We are currently supporting SLU in arranging a Wikipedia day the 18th of January which should be seen as the launch of the project Knowledge transfer to Wikipedia from researchers at SLU. It is a project where researchers are asked to, by the university, contribute with their knowledge to Wikipedia. SLU has filed an application as to be able to employ potentially a Wikipedian for support to the researchers.
Swedish as a second language

This is a continuation of the courses which are initially offered to newcomers in Sweden. At this level, students should have quite a good understanding of Swedish. We have had one workshop, another one is to come soon, with these students about the basics of Wikipedia. This teacher, Maria, would want Wikipedia contribution to become an assignment for all the students to come studying Swedish as a second language. At the moment there is a project, based on all their nationalities, with focus on culture and people. There is therefore a list, based on the students origins, with some painters, musicians, writers etc, which are not written about in Swedish. After talks with Annie Lin (WMF) though, it would seem as if a better idea is to have them translate from Swedish to their native language.
Broadcasting for the national radio
We have held a broadcast for the national radio which will be sent mid December, where we held a workshop together with a teacher about Wikipedia. Not only the technical basics but also the democratic, gender and societal aspects.
Dialogue with the Swedish educational broadcasting organisation (UR)
Ur is currently interested in how they can use Wikipedia, and potentially Wikiversity as a part of their educational mission. The current dialogue is focused on their material for newcomers in Sweden and how they may use Wikipedia as a means to develop their knowledge of Swedish.
An online course
An online course is under development and will be launched this spring for teachers mainly. It will be held online with real-time meetups. The participants will, if successful, receive a diploma from WMSE, with the same gradings used at the Swedish Wikipedia for articles, i.e. recommended, good and excellent.
Council of the Swedish Central Museums
Our workshops continued, three were held during November and meetings about collaborations in exhibitions and preparations for batch-uploads were also on the agenda.
Wikipedian in residence
An ending seminar of the WiR at the Swedish National Heritage Board were held.
Wiki Loves Monuments
A price ceremony were held at the conference FSCONS (Free Society and Culture Nordic Summit).
Wiki Skills

Leo is back from the partners coordination meeting in Athens. Anna has been working on the economic reporting. Sophie has been printing the learning scenario brochures which we will use partly for dissemination of the project and partly as material for the courses. It will be used as a complement to the learning scenarios of Wikipedia in education.
We are about to plan the content of the courses in more detail. In preparation for this we have been giving some feedback to the Definition of training scenarios and training curriculum, the Guidelines for Trainers and the Evaluation Framework.
We have been preparing a course description and a registration form which has been sent out to invite our target group (which consists of teachers of trainees and of students in vocational training. Other teachers from secondary education may be welcome as well).
Europeana Awareness
An event page was created on Meta to coordinate an international series of parallel edit-a-thons with World War I as the theme. The edit-a-thons will take place in a number of countries in Europe. If everything goes according to plans, the events will take place at the 29th of June 2013.
Wiki Loves Public Art (WLPA)
Vinnova has given us funds to create a database about public artworks in Sweden. A database developer will be identified and the work will have to start as soon as possible. See our blog post in Swedish and English.
A new national coordinator in Sweden and a person that will organize a few supporting events for the photo contest was identified and will start working with the contest in December 2012.
A new web designer are now working on getting the international website up and running as soon as possible. We had some initial difficulties but it is now progressing very well and a first version is up and running on
The organizing team for WLPA in Sweden had a very good meeting with The National Public Art Council Sweden (Statens konstråd) and they are very positive to the idea and are looking into how they can be involved in both the creation of the database and in the Wiki Loves Public Art contest.
Nordic cooperation

Meeting of the Nordic Chapters
The third meeting between the Nordic Chapters was held in connection with the FSCONS conference in Göteborg, November 10.
It was confirmed that the second phase of the project for the support of the Sami Wikipedia should be led by Wikimedia Norway and be a cross-the-border project.
Booklet on the activities by the Nordic chapters
The yearbook project was sucessfully finished with the printing of the booklet Working with the Wikimedia Chapters in Denmark, Norway and Sweden (in English). A second edition might be produced early 2014. A few copies will be distributed to all chapters.
Workshop with the Salemportalen project
Salemportalen is a Swedish language Wikipedia project driven by the Salem Municipality Library och the Salem Local Community Association (Salems Hembygdsförening). Two members of Wikimedia Sverige participated in a workshop at the Salem Municipality Library and held a training course on editing and on uploading of pictures to Wikimedia Commons.
Board meeting
A board meeting was held on November 12 (combined physical meeting/Google Hangout). Minutes are available in Swedish. Important notes on internal character was approval of; a new policy for working hours of employees, policy for communication and guidelines for Conflicts of interest.
Recruitment of an CEO was started. The post was announced in i.a. the paper journal Platsjournalen. Applications were accepted until November 30.
Contracts with Sophie Österberg (Education manager) and Axel Pettersson (GLAM manager) were extended.
Legal advice
We consulted a legal firm to ensure that we use CiviCRM in compliance with Swedish privacy laws.