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Nordplus Adult 2023 Application

1. Start - Basic information

1.1. Project information

Name of project

DIILNOTE: Digital Inclusion, Innovation, Learning, Nordic languages and Translations for Equity

Project number


2.Institutions - Institutions

2.1.1. Coordinating institution

Coordinating institution

Swedish Association for Distance Education (SE-SVERD)

Type of institution: NGO

Name: Sandström, Ulf

E-mail: kansliet@sverd.se

Phone number:

2.1.4. Contact person

Name: Ossiannilsson, Ebba

2.2. Partner institutions Partner institutions

Institution: SE-Wikimedia Sweden (SE)

Type: NGO

Contact person: Hellroth Larsson, Josefine

E-mail: josefine.hellroth.larsson@wikimedia.se

Institution: FI-Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (FI)

Type: University

Contact person: Koskiniemi, Jukka

E-mail: jukka.koskiniemi@diak.fi

Institution: IS-University of Iceland (IS)

Type: University

Unit: School of Education

Contact person: Gissurardottir, Salvor

E-mail: salvor@hi.is

3.General info. - General information

3.1. Type of project

Choose type of project:

Collaboration project

3.2 Summary

Give a short summary of the project (250 words max)

A Nordplus Adult development project DIILNOTE is about solving critical challenges with access to information on Nordic websites and online services especially for disadvantaged groups. We will produce the Guidelines and training package for those who can increase online translations in education sector – IT, HR, R&D, e-civic society, labour market, etc. Our aim is to enhance the processes on the levels of (a) capacity building, (b) growing awareness, (c) improving skills and (d) increasing the number of organisations which have policy & practice for online translations.

Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) has Digital Inclusion network which is initiating this project proposal. Earlier the very same network has initiated e.g. a research project on digitalization and digital integration of the Nordic region. A working group analysed the current situation and policies and made specific recommendation for NVL’s future efforts in the field of digitalization and lifelong learning. Report ‘Hard to reach citizens’ (Livslang lærings rolle i den digitale transformation, NVL & Aalborg University) included five recommendations for better digital inclusion in Nordics. NVL Digital Inclusion network is initiating DIILNOTE project proposal, and by this development work it is following the recommendations.

Important software, services and information are only available in non-Nordic languages. The project will support on individual level, at the organizational level, and at the sector/regional level. All material produced within the project will be published under the Creative Commons licence CC BY-SA. For each work package, two partners are in charge to guarantee diversity and solid work.

3.3. Project theme

Choose one theme


3.4. Other information

Project period

06/2023 - 05/2025

Which of the following sectors for adult learning does your project aim at?

Across formal, informal and/or non-formal adult learning

Which of the following orientations within adult learning does your project involve?

Both general and vocational learning.

3.5. Earlier/other Nordplus project

Previous Nordplus activities?


NPAD-2022-PV/10082 - Digital inclusion and how to reach the hard to reach learners (preparatory visit)

NPAD-2021/10187 - DIGITAL SUPPORT: Guidelines for training the trainers to support seniors towards making daily life more easy in digital world

NPAD-2020/10169 - How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?

Project ID:

HZ-2008_1c-19513 Boldic perspectives online

NPHZ-2013/10118 - Boldic open learning resources online ( OLRO)

LIST NPAD -2016 (08/2016-10/2017) Laeringsinhold in smartboards and tablets Diak: NPHE-2019/10055 - Network Ecosocial Change and Social Innovation/2019: Development of 2 ecosocial related Master level courses.

NPHE-2021/10105 - Nordic Alliance for Sustainability in Gaming NASG/2021

NPHE-2022/10326 - Nordic Alliance for Sustainability in Gaming NN/2022

NPHZ-2015/10096 - Computer games in education, game culture and gamification NPHZ-2016/10071 - Digital Computer Games for learning in the Nordic countries

Nordplus applications in this round


4.Project description - Project description

Type of collaboration project

Choose type of collaboration project

Development project

Project aim

The overall goal for our project is to facilitate and support especially disadvantaged citizens to be active and fluent in modern digital environments through promoting digital inclusion.

For the final beneficaries, the aim of the project is to lower the threshold for digital inclusion caused by the fact that important translation related software and services are only available in non-Nordic languages. This aim will be achieved by creating awareness of what development tools exist and how to use them.

At the organizational level, aim is to support translation efforts for tools used within the organization when they design and produce digital services.

At the sector/regional level, the aim is to increase knowledge about digital accesibility so that multilingual tools and services are demanded in procurement of digital services.


The project idea is based on the research of digitalization situation in the Nordic countries commissioned by Nordic Network for Adult Learning, NVL. The research showed that even 20-30 % of the Nordic population is at risk to be excluded from the digitalization development. This is a challenge because services are continously going digital. If citizens are excluded from digitalization they are also excluded from services. One of the reasons behind the exclusion is the fact that digital contents are provided in few languages.

The importance of information in one's own language has been identified as crucial for utilising the information. Many tools and services acknowledge this and that there are well functioning services for translations, but that many very well used services still do not provide multilingual interfaces and that creates barriers and increases digital exclusion. This situation can changed through public awareness, more engagement and careful procurement.

NPAD-2023/10357 Page 3 (17) Submitted - 27-Jan-2023

The proposal has been jointly prepared among the consortium partners by a face-to-face meeting as Nordplus preparatory visit funding and online workshops.

Nordic/Baltic added value

Nordic societies have many common features. They have a wellfare approach to their citizens and provision of servces is increasingly taking place in digital forms. Additionally, Nordic societies are inclusion oriented and strive for supporting marginalised and disadvantaged groups. The official languages are less common in the world. Therefore digital contents’ translation efforts and needs are similar in the Nordic context. Promotion of continuous and life long learning are also common for all Nordic countries.

The Nordic countries have created their own national solutions to address improving accesibility of digital contents of their less spoken languages. This project would be able to collect Nordic good practices and disseminate results in an effective way especially through NVL network.


All material produced within the project will be published under an open licence, CC BY-SA.

For each WP, we have decided to have two partners in charge, to guarantee diversity and solid work, and not to rely on only one partner. This decision is of course also to share the workload, but mainly to ensure different perspectives from the Nordic countries, cultures and experiences. All partners are involved in the fine-tuning and elaboration of each WP

WP 1 Project management including Communication, Evaluation and Monitoring

Activities in this WP will especially focus on:

Project management including Communication,

Evaluation and Monitoring

SADE is responsible and coordinator for this WP. SADE will take the lead and carry out the task in a solid collaboration with all partners to ensure that all voices are heard in a solid democratic process, and to emphasise the similarities but also possible differences within the cultures of the Nordic countries, and also to promote the diversity of experience and professionalism of the partners.

For evaluation and monitoring, this is further elaborated below under the heading "Evaluation" Outputs:

- Project reports to the Managing Authority.

- An online platform  

- Communication and dissemination plan

- Evaluation and Quality Assurance plan

WP 2 State of the art in the field: aspects such as open pedagogy, ethics, Universal Design for Learning, more theoretical background

SADE will lead WP2 in close collaboration with the University of Iceland and DIAK. The activities in this work package will mainly focus on researching the current state of the art in this field. This will be done by examining relevant references in areas such as research, policy references and technical reports. The results will then provide the theoretical background and framework for our further activities and outputs, e.g. the guidelines.

The state of the art in the field will for example cover open pedagogy, universal design And ethics among important areas


Curated list and brief description of available and accessible language translation tools and technologies and try to identify the most important tools (display format could be a padlet, example is: https://universityoficeland.padlet.org/salvor/udl)

Short status report on the Nordic situation with a chapter/page on each Nordic country/language group (government initiatives, etc.)

Overview of learning, teaching and training strategies, pedagogical approaches and pedagogical tools and checklists for online training environments that support open pedagogy and adhere to UDL principles (display format wiki)

List of resources, links to relevant open textbooks, OER materials, research articles, and websites (display format could be wiki or padlet)

WP 3 Guidelines: The actual guidelines directed at the target audience.

Diak is responsible for the WP together with Wikimedia Sverige. Guidelines are built for better orientation and shared understanding of the online translations from the point of view of both technology and linguistics. Building Guidelines will start with drafts which connect with WP2. After provisional index and content, contribution, feedback and suggestions are gathered from other partners. Graphic layout for the guidelines will be designed and the first version of the guidelines will be finished so that it can be translated in other languages of the partner institutions. When guidelines are used and reviewed in piloting of the training material, a new chapter will be added related to the learning process and “lessons learned”. The final output will be translated in other languages and e-publication will be released.


Guidelines: An e-publication providing target groups (and other interested actors) with the theoretical framework regarding the translations of online content with references to further readings. Also the practical framework for doing translations and using translation platforms such as Translatewiki.net.

WP 4 Training material

University of Iceland, School of Education together with Wikimedia Sverige and Diak will take the lead in developing training material as well as piloting the material in the Nordic countries.

When the guidelines are developed, learning materials will have to be created in order to educate users and create understanding around why the guidelines are important, as well as how they can make the basis for actual change and implementation. When the learning materials have been developed, they will also be published on relevant platforms; one such platform can be learn.wiki, an e-learning platform hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation where training materials are published under an open license.

After publishing, we will conduct piloting in the different countries where users from our target groups go through the online training and implement what they have learned. They will evaluate the training and guidelines, giving feedback in order to improve the training material further (according to the plan - do - check - act, PDCA cycle). The online training and pilot will be important tools for implementing the main outcomes of the project, as they will be the actual material that reaches the end users among our target groups. After the training, users will also become potential ambassadors for the guidelines.


The pedagogical script from the material developed for the guidelines

Training materials published on an open online platform and a concept for piloting the training materials.

For the training materials/training modules, it is proposed to use the tools from OER whenever possible and to make the material available with open licenses (CC licenses). The training material should also be easily transferable to various popular platforms such as Wikipedia learning arena, Canvas, Moodle, Teachable, Google Classroom, and efforts will be made to create social learning tools material suitable for cell phones, video, audio and text (tool such as flip.com).

The primary audience for the online training materials are instructors and staff involved in adult education/inclusion, as well as organizations working with and through the content

WP 5 Dissemination

SADE and Wikimedia Sverige will take the lead for this WP. Activities and methods for dissemination are further developed under the heading of Dissemination as below.

We will create a dissemination plan that includes dissemination to external stakeholders outside the partnership, such as other organisations in our areas of work, teacher organisations,adult education institutions at the regional, national, or Nordic-Baltic level as well as the middle management of the institutions where we would like to have the work of system translations adopted.

During the project time there should be a landing page (could be in Google Sites, very easy to do) with links to what we are working on. But after the end of the project it could be, for example, a wikibook with links and material. It is not necessary to buy a domain.

NPAD-2023/10357 Page 6 (17) Submitted - 27-Jan-2023

All dissemination will be under the licence of CC BY-SA. It is already by now decided to present the projects processes and results on platforms for open knowledge as well as at conferences where system translations could be of interest. Conferences may include already well known and recognized upcoming conferences such as Open Education Week in 2024, Wikimania in August 2024 and online and EDEN DLE Dublin in June 2023, as well as other upcoming conferences

Project results will be published in the Nordplus project database at www.nordplusonline.org. We will also disseminate our project results on EPALE, the electronic platform for adult education in Europe.

Outcomes: The outcome of the dissemination is to share knowledge about system translations, our guidelines and our training material.

Outputs: Some concrete output is participation in and follow-up communication (such as reports) from conferences, as well as for example blog posts on different platforms within and outside of the project participants.


Swedish Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Education (SADE) – Svenska Riksorganisationen för öppen flexibel distansutbildning (SVERD)

is the coordinator of this project and will especiallay be responsible for

WP 1Project management including Evaluation and Monitoring

WP 2 State of the art in the field: aspects such as open pedagogy, ethics, UniversalDesign for Learning, more theoretical background

WP 5 Dissemination

SADE an NGO is a Swedish advocacy organization for those involved in online learning, flexible learning and distance learning. SADE Members come from across the education sector, from K-12 to higher education, and public education, business, and the private sector are also represented.

SADE was founded in 1984 to advance knowledge and contribute to the development of open, online, and flexible distance education, including technology-enhanced learning (OOFAT). The aim of SADE is to stimulate, facilitate and promote the development of knowledge in the field of open, online and flexible distance education, including technology-enhanced learning (OOFAT), but also to take into account the changes brought about by increasing digitalization, digital transformation, the SDGs and the future of education, as well as a new social contract for education, Education 4.0. SADE SADE aims to widen participation in the educational landscape and advocates for lifelong learning and opening education to all, in line with UNESCO SDG€ and Futures of Education, a new social contract. SADE is the mission of inclusion, diversity, human rights, social justice and democracy for all.

SADE has no permanent staff and works exclusively on a voluntary basis. www.sverd.se


- organizes two conferences per year, usually with international speakers as well. The conferences address current and interesting topics of interest to its members.

- initiates exchange of experiences, collaboration and networking among its members and creates open meeting places by organizing conferences, webinars and seminars, as well as other formal and informal meetings

- promotes international exchange, collaboration, and networking

- creates open communities, including through the organization of conferences, webinars and seminars

- promotes the development of knowledge in the areas of open, online, and flexible distance education, including technology-enhanced learning (OOFAT)

- plays the role of expert contribution, evaluation and knowledge dissemination in projects.

- is part of several networks and enjoys a good reputation both at national and international level, enabling the exchange of and participation in reference panels and projects. Through its members, SADE has knowledge and experience of relevant organizations and institutions in various private and public sectors.

- publishes a newsletter twice a year in the form of a circular (in Swedish) (SADENews). It contains up-to-date articles on open, online and flexible distance education, including technology-enhanced learning (OOFAT), as well as other current information from Swedish and international conferences. SVERDnytt also invites members to ask questions about learning, teaching, and educational projects in the field of open, online, and flexible distance education, including technology-enhanced learning (OOFAT), as well as research, etc.

SADE's international collaborations such as:

- international Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)

- is a member of the ICDE Board of Directors and Chair of the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee.

and is a member of the ICDE Nordic Task Force for the Promotion of Open Online and Distance Education

- the European distance learning network Digital Learning Europe (EDEN DLE) - one of the initiators of the Nordic network NordFlexOn

- NVL Digital Inclusion

- Platform for Lifelong Learning

- UNESCO OER Coalition

- the ICDE Nordic Task Force for the Promotion of Open Online and Distance Learning

SADE is committed to broader collaboration in the Nordic countries, as mentioned above, with the NVL Digital Inclusion, the ICDE Nordic Task Force to Promote Open Online and Distance Education, and the Nordic network NORDFLEXON. SADE has been involved in projects funded and coordinated by the Nordic Council of Ministers for several years. In 2017 and beyond, SADE has also participated in projects funded by EU ERASMUS + and for several years by NVL Digital Inclusion. SADE has a long tradition of collaboration with Nordplus projects. In ongoing projects, SADE is mainly responsible for evaluation and dissemination of knowledge. SADE has a network and a good reputation at national and international level, which enables dissemination, work in and exchange of projects.

Due to our mission and experience, we are able to coordinate the proposed project for which we would like to apply.

Based on our mission and experience, we are in a position to coordinate the proposed project for which we would like to apply.

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) – Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) is a nation-wide Finnish University of Applied Sciences (UAS) specializing in social services and health care education. With its 3000 students Diak is the largest provider of UAS-level education in social work. Diak is also the main provider of higher education in sign language interpreting and the only provider of community interpreting in the main immigrant languages. Diak offers degree programs both in Finnish and in English. Diak’s education and research, development and innovation actions aim at promoting sustainable wellbeing in communities and service systems in the national, European and global contexts. Diak’s strategic aim is a world where no one is left behind, and thus promoting inclusion and multiculturalism are core areas of Diak’s work. In addition to inclusion and promoting health and wellbeing, Diak’s key expertise areas include community development, development of the social and health care service systems, as well as research and development of value-based social and health care practices, multi-faith religious literacy and religious dialogue. Diak’s pedagogy is rooted in flexible blended learning solutions on and off campus. E-learning facilities, support services and learning processes are highly developed and are in daily use both in national and international cooperation.

Diak is aiming for support those who are in the most disadvantaged position in society. This project is in line with Diak’s aims by reducing barriers to access digital contents and that benefits especially those who are not familiar with and used to utilise digital services.

As a higher education institution, Diak is committed to promote continuous learning. Through Open UAS and various development projects, Diak is developing educational solutions also for the adults. This project will increase Diak’s capacities in adult education, digitalisation and cooperation with its Nordic partners.

In this project, Diak will participate in implementation of all work packages (WP). The main WPs for Diak are: WP 2, WP 3 (Diak being WP lead in cooperation with Wikimedia Sverige) and WP 4. In addition, Diak participates in WP 1 and WP 5 according to instructions from the project coordinator.

Wikimedia Sverige

Wikimedia Sverige is a Swedish non-governmental organisation working for free knowledge. Our most well-known platform for collecting and sharing free knowledge is Wikipedia, even though we also work in other forms and on other platforms. We are a part of the global Wikimedia Movement, being financed to a large extent through donations coordinated through the Wikimedia Foundation.

We have about 450 members and 12 people are working full-time for the organisation. We cooperate with different parts of the society, including the education sector, GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), other NGOs as well as governmental bodies. Our main focus is making more free knowledge available to all. That means educating and supporting volunteers that make edits and photo uploads on our platforms, as well as helping organisations with large batch uploads of their material and data. We teach teachers and students to contribute to and retrieve data from our platforms, or librarians and archivists how to provide reliable source material, through physical meetings as well as online educational material.

In this project, we can contribute with knowledge of system translations because of our work through translatewiki.net. We also work in an international context, having the knowledge of working in environments with multiple languages. Another thing we will contribute with is the dissemination of knowledge and information through the Wikimedia platforms, including Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and the elearning platform learn.wiki, as well as the global conference Wikimania. This will be carried out in WP 3 and WP 4.

University of Iceland, School of Education – Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið

University of Iceland School of Education is the main teacher training institution in Iceland for kindergarden to highschool teachers and runs a relatively big teacher credencial program for teachers preparing for or already employed in vocational training and/or adult education. The school of Education is in forefront in using digital technogy in education with the aim of making

education more accessible for all learners especially in online and hybrid environments. The school has a graduate program both in ICT in Education and Inclusive Education and the faculty is experienced in creating digital learning spaces that meet diverse adult learning groups needs and adheres to Universial design for learning. Website: https://www.hi.is/menntavisindasvid.


Swedish Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Education (SADE) – Svenska Riksorganisationen för öppen flexibel distansutbildning (SVERD) are the co-ordinaor of this project and will especiallay be responsible for

WP 1 Project management including Evaluation and Monitoring

WP 2 State of the art in the field: aspects such as open pedagogy, ethics, Universal Design for Learning, more theoretical background

WP 5 Dissemination

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) – Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) is partner in the project and will be in a leading role in

WP 3 Guidelines

In addition, Diak will be collaborating with the leading partner in

WP 2 State of the art in the field

WP 4 Training material and piloting

Wikimedia Sverige

Wikimedia Sverige is a partner in the project and will be in a leading role in WP 4 Training material and piloting

WP 5 Dissemination

University of Iceland, School of Education – Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið

University of Iceland School of Education will work mainly on work package WP 4 (Training material and piloting) but will also contribute to WP 2 (State of the art in the field). It is expected that the training material will be online modules and communicaton between partners will be mostly through virtual meetings and online discussion.

All partners are taking the lead and responsibiliyt for one or two WP, but all paprtners will contribute to development and teh joinf work and succdess for the project.

During the project period there will be two onsite events, in Finland and Sweden Online meetings will be held on regular basis, at least 3-4 times per semester Social media will be used as FB; WA; Telegram

The project will have a LinkedIn and Facebook group for info, blog, news and events We have set up a timeline for communication and coordination as below

The project collaboration will be arranged in an environmentally sustainable manner to support principles related to green economy. The project will have a digital platform to enable the project work and communication between physical project meetings. There are also online project meetings to esure that the project is proceeding as planned. In urgent issues, a Messenger application is available for the project team.

Timeline for the project

* April 2023 Approval

* June 2023 Project Kick off, Online

* August 2023 Project meeting, Finland

* November 2023 Project meeting, Online

* Spring 2024, Project meeting, Online

* Autumn 2024, Project meeting, Sweden

* Spring 2025, Project meeting, Online

* 31 May 2025 end of project

WP 1-5 will be somewhat in chronological order, but especiall WP1 and 5 will be running with continuity


Swedish Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Education (SADE) – Svenska Riksorganisationen för öppen flexibel distansutbildning (SVERD)

The goal of this project is consistent with the vision and mission of SADE

SADE will incorporate the project and its process into the action plan for 2023-2024 This will include dissemination activities

SADE will ensure sustainability, monitoring and evaluation in this way

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) – Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu

Sustainable and responsible research, development and innovations are core of Diak. Inclusive operating models for the cooperation between students, developers and partners is the key. Diak is also committed to project aims as our expert is Finland’s representative in the NVL Digital inclusion network which is behind the project consortium. Diak’s further collaboration after the project in the network will confirm the sustainability of the results as part of Diak’s future activities.

Wikimedia Sverige

Wikimedia Sverige is a part of the global Wikimedia Movement. There, we work with system translations for a number of different tools, using the translatewiki.net platform. The training material and guidelines developed as part of this project will be useful for other Wikimedia organizations that are working to engage volunteers in software translations. We will especially target the Wikimedia organizations in the Nordic countries to ensure that the material developed in this project has maximum impact. Through and after this project, we will be able to bring back the findings of working with external organizations to our movement. Thereby, there will be a global audience for the findings, materials and tools of the project.

University of Iceland, School of Education – Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið

The results of this project will be anchored in online courses and workshops for vocational educators/adult educators and if possible also in the University outreach programs and a newly founded social innovation project/office within University of Iceland School of Education.


Target groups

Our target groups for this project work on a meso-level – they are active within the middle management and are decision makers on a concrete level. They work for example as heads of IT departments, system administrators, project managers, HR managers and teachers, and we want to support and build knowledge for those who serve end users by building and implementing systems. This level is targeted because they are able to implement system translations as a part of an organization’s way of working. It is not a decision that needs to be made on a macro level, and it is too extensive for a micro level to work with.  

These target groups will have the largest possible opportunity in reaching the change we aim for through the project. They are also important partners for the project organisations as they fit in well with our networks and existing ways of working.


Product(s) of the project:

Guidelines and training package for those who can increase online translations in education sector – IT, HR, R&D, e-civic society, labour market, etc. – in the levels of (a) capacity building, (b) growing awareness, (c) improving skills and (d) increasing the amount of organisations which have policy & practice for online translations.

Should start off with us, suggestions to have a workshop.

We want to:

* raise awareness around the issue of not having access to information in your own language and how that causes digital exclusion.

* create guidance for employees that have the possibility of creating real change The results of the project per WP are as follows:

WP 2:

- Curated list and brief description of available and accessible language translation tools and technologies and try to identify the most important tools (display format could be a padlet, example is: https://universityoficeland.padlet.org/salvor/udl)

- Short status report on the Nordic situation with a chapter/page on each Nordic country/ language group (government initiatives, etc.)

- Overview of learning, teaching and training strategies, pedagogical approaches and pedagogical tools and checklists for online training environments that support open pedagogy and adhere to UDL principles (display format wiki)  

- List of resources, links to relevant open textbooks, OER materials, research articles, and websites (display format could be wiki or padlet)

WP 3:

- Guidelines: An e-publication providing target groups (and other interested actors) with the theoretical framework regarding the translations of online content with references to further readings. Also the practical framework for doing translations and using translation platforms such as Translatewiki.net.

WP 4:

- The pedagogical script from the material developed for the guidelines

- Training materials published on an open online platform and a concept


We have ensured dissemination for the project as it is also a special work package.

We will create a dissemination plan that includes dissemination to external stakeholders outside the partnership, such as other organisations in our areas of work, teacher organisations, adult education institutions at the regional, national, or Nordic-Baltic level as well as the middle management of the institutions where we would like to have the work of system translations adopted. Governmental bodies are also of interest, especially because they have demands of accessibility upon them.

All dissemination will be shared under the licence of CC BY-SA, as we work for open knowledge that can be used, reused, shared and adapted freely.

We will participate in conferences such as Open Education Week, The Wikimedia global conference Wikimania and EDEN Digital Learning Europe. There are opportunities to participate both during the conferences of 2024 (also to get feedback on our work) and in 2025 (to disseminate results). These are all well-known conferences within the sectors of the project partners, and will anchor the project in those fields. We will also look into conferences for our target groups to share our findings and good practice, in order for more activities happening after the project.

During the project time we will have a landing page with links to what we are working on, most probably on Google sites as it is easily setup. After the end of the project this will be turned into,, for example, a wikibook with links and material. We do not plan for a specific domain for the project, as its activities and results are meant to be included in the everyday work among the participants and target groups.  

We will also present the project at meetings, through social media, articles in newspapers or professional journals and possibly through the distribution of broschures and publications.

Project results will be published in the Nordplus project database. We will also disseminate our project results on EPALE.

The outcome of the dissemination is to share knowledge about system translations, our guidelines and our training material. Among the project partners, we will focus on sharing knowledge about ways of working, using the methodology and systems etc. Externally, we will focus on the user perspective, positive outcomes of using system translations and digital inclusion.

As the project organisations also collaborate in the NVL Digital Inclusion network, we will share our findings in that network as well, both during and after the project. The other organisations in that network in turn have broader networks within the Nordic countries for us to disseminate our results.

Output: Some concrete output is participation in and follow-up communication (such as reports) from conferences, as well as for example blog posts on different platforms within and outside of the project participants.


Continuous assessment and monitoring will occur throughout the life of the project to adjust activities and tasks to achieve the best possible results. Evaluation and monitoring will focus on the following:

* a risk analysis which will serve as a useful tool to ensure that the project, its outcomes, its activities, and its processes are ethical, valid, and reliable

* the outcomes for the target groups

* the functionality of the products developed

* the collaboration between project organisations, and the composition of the partnership

The evaluation will use sound and valuable appropriate methods and could include questionnaires, interviews, tests, thematic debates, etc,

Both processes and products will be evaluated continuosly


The applied grant is to be calculated in the designated unit cost grant template available below in 6.2. Attachment, and thereafter the sub-totals from the grant template are to be inserted manually in the column BUDGET hereunder.

Nordplus Adult does not set a fixed ceiling for grants. It means that applicants have the opportunity to define their needs for support on the basis of their specific project. Please note, however, that the programme has a limited budget available. For each project a thorough assessment of the applied budget is made. In particular, the assessment addresses the coherence between the description of the project and its results and the support applied for. Grant reductions may be introduced in the case a budget is not substantiated by a project description.

An average grant for a Nordplus Adult collaboration project is 50,000 euros. For more information about the grant scheme and unit costs please consult the Nordplus Handbook.

EUR - Euro Applied

Nordplus grant

Project support
Project management, implementation and dissemination 10 000
Development work 40 000
Transnational meetings 4 440
Domestic travel and subsistence* 475
Special needs 0
SUM - Project support 54 915
SUM - Total 54 915

Comments to the budget

In Domestic travel and subsistence, there is 475 EUR for Wikimedia Sweden for participating in a project meeting in Lund from Stockholm. The sum is excluded from the Excel for not having such a cost category.