Projekt:Europeana Awareness 2012/Fashion Edit-a-thon

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The Nordiska museet, the Centre for Fashion Studies at Stockholm University, Wikimedia Sverige, Europeana and Europeana Fashion hereby inviteyou who is a student, a fashion blogger or works with fashion or costumes at a museum in the Stockholm area to the first

EDIT-A-THON on the theme of fashion and costume history
the 22 March at the Nordiska museet

Time: 22 March 2013 10.30-17. Mingle 17-20.
Location: Fatburen, Nordiska museet, Djurgårdsvägen 6-16
Entrance: The North entrance, facing Strandvägen

The Nordiska museet and the Centre for Fashion Studies at the Stockholm University are two out of 22 partners of the Europeana Fashion project and will together with Wikimedia Sweden and Europeana host the first in a series of fashion edit-a-thons around Europe.

During the event participants will come together to edit and contribute new information to Wikipedia using the digital collections shared by the Nordiska museet. The goal of the edit-a-thon is to improve and increase the presence of fashion related information on Wikipedia and spread knowledge about the collections of the Nordiska museet, Europeana Fashion and Wikipedia as a source of information. The theme is fashion, folk costume history and casual wear through the last centuries.


10.30-11: Registration and coffee/tea and Swedish cinnamon buns.
11.15: The Edit-a-Thon starts and the hosts at the Nordic museum wishes everybody welcome and talks about the event and the photos, reference books and magazines that can be used.
11.30: Presentation – what is Europeana Fashion? By Marco Rendina from Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Firenze and Erwin Verbruggen, from Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.
12.00: How to edit on Wikipedia. Short presentation of Wikipedia by Wikimedia Sweden, John Andersson and Axel Pettersson.
12.30: The participants start writing articles. Practical support is given by the Nordiska museet/Stockholm University/Wikimedia Sweden.
14.30: Guided tour of the fashion exhibition the Power of Fashion.
15.15: More writing!
16.30: End ceremony.
17-20: Mingle with drinks and snacks.

The presentations and the exhibition tour are given in English.

Please bring your own laptop – open WIFI-net is available.

Coffee and tea and snacks will be provided all day and vouchers for lunch are given that include Loka/lättöl, salad and coffee or tea. The lunch may be eaten anytime between 1 pm – 3 pm. Do you want to attend? Register at Eventbrite at the latest the 20th of March (the number of participants is limited).

As a journalist you are welcome to either join in or watch the event in parts or entirely. Get your ackreditation via