Projekt:Wikimaps Nordic 2014/Mål
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"Vår del" av de övergripande målen:
- Minst 50 uppladdade kartor
- Minst 10 rektifierade kartor
- Minst 3 volontärer har arbetat i utvecklingsmiljön
- Minst 2 svenska GLAM-institutioner är involverade.
- Delta med 2 deltagare på Kick-off
- Delta på alla (20) online-möten
- Anordna/samordna ett hackathon.
"Andra mål":
- Minst 8 omnämnanden i tidningar, tidskrifter och/eller bloggar. Därav minst ett egen-/medförfattat inlägg på WMF-blogg eller Signpost.
- De institutioner som behöver har fått det stöd för göra sitt material tillgängligt under en fri licens.
Ska ej integreras:
- The amount of activities that relate to Wikimaps. 5 other projects.
- The amount and scope of partners/participants in the network: Wiki, OSM, OHM, GLAM, academic. Number of people 150-200.
- The amount of initiatives with Nordic cartographic materials: +10, of which 1-3 will be worked on.
Clarified metrics
- Possible metrics
- The amount of maps uploaded as a result of Wikimaps: 500 (Intentionally a low number to avoid focus being on bulk uploads).
- The amount of maps and/or aerial images rectified through Warper/Wikimaps tool: 100
- The amount of volunteers having worked in the environment: 20 (Defined as e.g. OAuth linked accounts with one related edit)
- Number of GLAMs involved. 20 (for the Nordic subproject)
- The amount of events and participants. 2 events
- Kick-off event: 50 participants
- Hackathon: 30 participants in 5 cities (150 participants)
- The amount of online meetings: 20 (25 are planned but some may be canceled due to holidays or other events. All will be minuted and blogged)
- The amount of activities that relate to Wikimaps. These will be listed and reported on. 5 other projects.
- The amount and scope of partners/participants in the network: Wiki(p|m)edia, OSM, OHM, GLAM, academic. Number of people 150-200.
- The amount of initiatives with Nordic cartographic materials: +10, of which 1-3 will be worked on.