Projekt:En gemenskap för alla 2018/Ansökan till NIKK
Ansökan har avslagits. |

Aktivitetens namn (en tydlig rubrik/projektnamn) (max 100 tecken)*
Nordic Wiki Diversity Leaders Event – Empowering volunteer leaders in the Nordic Wikimedia movement
Sökt belopp i danska kronor (ange siffra mellan 50000 och 500000. Utan mellanslag mellan siffrorna)*
400000 DKK (200’ wikicamp, 100’ followup, 100’ administration)
Huvudansvarig sökande (namn på organisationen) *
Wikimedia Sverige
Organisationens verksamhetsland/domicilland (Läs mer om kriterier för verksamhetsland under "Krav på aktiviteterna och stödmottagarna") *
Organisationsform *
Frivillig organisation
Kontaktperson *
Sara Mörtsell
E-post *
Telefon (inklusive landsnummer) *
Namn på samarbetsorganisation 1 *
Wikimedia Norge
Verksamhetsland/domicilland *
Organisationsform *
Kontaktperson *
Astrid Carlsen
E-post *
Telefon (inklusive landsnummer) *
0047 41105154
Namn på samarbetsorganisation 2 *
Wikimedia Finland
Verksamhetsland/domicilland *
Organisationsform *
Frivillig organisation
Kontaktperson *
Heikki Kastemaa
E-post *
Telefon (inklusive landsnummer) *
+358 3563827
Aktiviteten gäller huvudsakligen (välj en eller flera) *
Projektbeskrivning i korthet (max 1000 tecken inkl. blanksteg)
*Beskriv huvudsakliga aktiviteter, och förväntat resultat/effekter av aktiviteten.
This project aims to strengthen the cross-Nordic capacity within the Wikimedia movement to support equal and free access to knowledge. The project will bring together 21 participants for a 4 day long leadership training event with seminars, workshops and trainings on how to collaboratively solve the gender gap on the Wikimedia projects. The event will be designed to create a strong and sustainable network for the participants and to ensure a steep learning curve.
The event is a joint initiative between the NGOs Wikimedia Sverige, Wikimedia Norge and Wikimedia Finland, assisted by UiT Norges Arktiske universitet. It will be held in the Tromsø area, Norway. We frequently engage in educational and cultural partnerships, host events and activities to support knowledge sharing on the Wikimedia projects. Our work relies heavily on volunteer engagement performed in equal and inclusive ways and we are now looking to build a strong and gender balanced network for our Nordic volunteer leaders.
Tidsplan. Aktiviteten planeras starta *
December 2018
December 2019
Nordisk nytta (max 1000 tecken inkl. blanksteg) *
Konkretisera på vilket sätt aktiviteten bidrar till nordisk nytta. Se vad som avses med nordisk nytta under Kriterier vid bedömning av ansökan, 1. Nordisk nytta.
Wikipedia is the world’s most used non-commercial knowledge platform and it’s the the website Nordic internet users turn to for knowledge about gender related topics.
By organizing the Nordic Wiki Diversity Leaders Event we will be able to enhance a Nordic collaboration between Wikimedia chapters, our partners and volunteers. We strongly believe that by sharing our experiences and knowledge between organizations operating in similar contexts, we will be able to save time and efforts and also have a bigger long term impact. We can learn a lot from each other and the experience we have in hosting different gender gap and Wikimedia events and this will benefit the organization of this event. A central part of the project is forming a long lasting cross-Nordic network that help facilitate activities and partnerships across the borders. Being small organizations this network will help us in mentoring new volunteers and put the question of a gender balanced Internet on the agenda.
Jämställdhetspolitiskt mervärde (max 1000 tecken inkl. blanksteg) *
Beskriv på vilket sätt aktiviteten ger jämställdhetspolitiskt mervärde. Se vad som avses med jämställdhetspolitiskt mervärde under Kriterier vid bedömning av ansökan, 2. Jämställdhetspolitiskt mervärde.
Knowledge is power, and Wikipedia has the potential to impact how people view of the world, as it has become the world’s largest online and user-generated encyclopaedia and the fifth most visited website. Biases on Wikipedia is a challenge that the editing community and volunteers are working to solve. In terms of gender, there is bias in both participation and content: the editing community is ca 90 % male in the Nordic countries, and the Nordic language versions of Wikipedia have women’s biographies underrepresented with 1 in 5 compared to male biographies. Sharing the gender gap challenge means that we can share solutions and support each other in taking steps towards a more diverse and inclusive Wikimedia movement in the Nordic countries.
The event is an opportunity for the three NGOs to develop a model with shared resources for volunteers and to take the lead for a more gender equal online and offline community and knowledge platform.
Aktivitetens effekter (max 1000 tecken inkl. blanksteg) *
Beskriv aktivitetens förväntade långsiktiga / hållbara effekter och/eller resultat. Se vad som avses med långsiktighet under Kriterier vid bedömning av ansökan, 4. Hållbarhet / långsiktighet.
After the Wiki Diversity Leaders Event in June 2019 there will be available tool kit on Wikipedia for the participants and other Wikimedia affiliates and volunteers that would like to organize a similar event.
The established channel(s) for communication before and during the event (email lists, metapages, and social media) will become a resource for org. and participants to keep in touch after. The network will be invited to meet at other annual relevant conferences, for example Wikimania in August 2019.
Following the event, each participating NGO will involve the participants in their ongoing program work. The desired outcome of the event is a strong network of skilled volunteers who wants to engage with the work of each NGO suited to their skills. We will learn participants’ fields of interests so we can invite them to co-organize different events and projects later and for them to feel empowered to create and lead their own activities.
Prioriterade teman (max 1000 tecken inkl. blanksteg) *
Beskriv vilket/vilka av de prioriterade teman i det nordiska jämställdhetssamarbetet som aktiviteten rör. Se vad som avses med prioriterade teman under Kriterier vid bedömning av ansökan, 3. Prioriterade teman i det nordiska samarbetsprogrammet för jämställdhet.
Wikipedia is a public space, and it is a space where women have been in the margins. The Nordic Wiki Diversity Leaders Event will increase the number and capacity of diversity leaders in Wikimedia in the Nordic countries. Their leadership skills will help facilitate for a more equal representation on one of the largest websites in the world.
The objective with the camp program is that it will help foster inclusive communities on Wikipedia. We believe that this is best achieved by a mixed group of participants who share the idea of value from diversity. We aim for a mix of participants both from the Nordic countries, but also from different social-economical backgrounds, ages and genders.
Har barn- och ungdomsperspektiv inkluderats? (1000 tecken)
The Wikimedia movement is working closely with the educational institutions in both Norway, Sweden and Finland, which closely involve young adults and children. They frequently both contribute and use the Wikimedia projects to understand the world. Part of the event activities will be to discuss how to best work with the educational sector. In these cases, Wikipedia can be a tool to empower youths, who often are left out of public knowledge creation processes.
Students and young adults are frequent readers of Wikipedia. The knowledge they find on Wikipedia should reflect everybody's knowledge and perspectives, both from women and men. When about every 8 out of 10 Wikipedia articles are written by men the content will reflect this gender imbalance.
Furthermore, we expect a diverse group of participants with a number of them to be between 18-25.
Har hållbart utvecklingsperspektiv inkluderats? (1000 tecken)
Läs mer här (extern länk)
As described in the project Nordic Gender Effect many progressive equal rights reforms have been introduced in the Nordic countries and have put our countries on the map when it comes to gender issues and political solutions. The Nordic Wikimedia affiliates and the volunteer communities we support are in a unique position to overcome the gender gap on Wikipedia and to contribute to the different Wikimedia projects as sustainable resources for educational use around the world. The participants can work together to create added value by ensuring reuse of the information and knowledge created by other state institutions in our countries, for example universities and archives.
By supporting volunteer leaders and building a strong gender balanced Nordic network we believe that we can enhance our educational and training capacity. The free resources available on the Wikimedia projects help educate people and support lifelong learning, a central part of the Nordic welfare model.
Ytterligare sökande
Namn på samarbetsorganisation 3
UiT: Norges arktiske universitet
Offentlig virksomhet
Hilde Blix
Hilde Synnøve Blix, Ph.D.
Dosent i hørelære
Kjønn og Skjønn i Kunstfagene (NFR/BALANSE)
Telefon (inklusive landsnummer)
00 47 954 35 508
Ytterligare information
Om det finns fler än fem sökande parter till ansökan, ange kontaktuppgifter och information i fritext nedan. Du kan också använda detta fält för andra meddelanden till NIKK som rör ansökan.
Lägg till projektplan. Notera att planen bör synliggöra vilken roll respektive organisation har i samarbetet. *
Märkt med aktivitetens namn. Max 3 sidor. Max filstorlek 1Mb. PDF-format.
Lägg till budget, gärna i Excelformat (.xls eller .xlsx - EJ .csv!) *
Aktivitetetens namn måste finnas med synligt i dokumentets sidhuvud. Se instruktioner för hur budget ska vara uppställd under Kriterier vid bedömning av ansökan, 5. Ekonomisk rimlighet. Max filstorlek 1Mb. PDF-format.
Project plan
The international Wikimedia movement supports free knowledge through a number of open and freely licensed, multilingual educational resources online. The most well known being Wikipedia, the fifth most used website in the world and the only top website which is non-commercial and run by volunteers. It is frequently hailed as one of the most important information sources available for the general public, and for young people in particular.
Even though Wikipedia contains a huge amount of information we are far away from reaching our goal of the sum of all human knowledge. New partnerships with different actors such as educational institutions, museums, research groups, authorities, other civil society organizations are needed. Currently, 90 % of editors are men and most are white and in their 30s-40s. We need to engage new groups of volunteers who can share knowledge and leadership for a diverse community with capacity to achieve the goals of our movement. Working with diversity issues presents a number of challenges for the volunteer and skills and support is needed.
A collaboration between the Nordic countries means we can share resources and solutions and offer volunteer leaders a stronger network and platform to back up their activities and leadership in the region.
This project aims to create new volunteer leaders in the Wikimedia movement in the Nordic countries. Leaders who understand the importance of diversity, how to effectively work to support it and who, after the event, will have a strong network in the Nordic countries – so that lessons can be shared and joint projects can be organized and successfully carried out long term. The expectation is that these volunteer leaders will help create and support other initiatives organized by the Wikimedia organizations. Trainings in both online and offline environments will take place and a model for similar events will be developed together with material on how to support the participants in their further work.
What is included/not included
The focus is to engage volunteers, experienced and newcomers, willing to take on a role as volunteer leader after the project has ended. The main focus of the event itself is not to solve diversity issues in those few days but to give a selected group of volunteers the tools to take an active part in a long term solution to the gender gap challenge on Wikipedia.
With this project, we want to create a constructive space for an engaged group of individuals to learn as much as possible in a limited time and form a strong and long lasting network. The intention is not, with this project, to give as many as possible an introduction to diversity issues on Wikimedia platforms.
Implementation plan
The event is co-organized by Wikimedia Sverige, Wikimedia Norway and Wikimedia Finland with support from UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet in Norway.
Representatives (led by staff) from the three Wikimedia affiliates will be responsible for inviting and reaching participants, making decisions on selection criteria, planning the activities and preparing material.
The UiT-based project «Kjønn og skjønn» has established a women’s Wikipedia network group that will contribute at the event as local support. They are 10 female UiT researchers from different academic fields who organized a Wikipedia seminar in 2017, generating several Wiki articles about North Norwegian women in the arts.
December 2018: The project will start by forming a working group with representatives from each NGO. The group will establish communication and decide on shared tools for materials and planning.
Early 2019: The working group will coordinate tasks and divide workload for the first few months of 2019, which will involve communication outreach, program development and logistics. Online coordination meeting with UiT Norges Arktiske Universite.
Considerable efforts will be put into the program design, which will be outlined online, which will be produced prior to opening the call in March. Work will be initiated regarding teaching materials (tool kits, manuals and resource hubs). This will all be designed to be reusable for future events.
March 2019: The Wikipedia gender gap gains a lot of attention during March and International Women’s day. The project will leverage gender gap related events and call for participants to apply for the Nordic Wiki Diversity Leaders Event.
May 2019: The final details of the program will be customized with the needs of the participants in mind. The activities include capacity building, train the trainers sessions, follow up activities.
June 2019: Nordic Wiki Diversity Leaders Event in Tromsø. Maximum capacity is 25 participants.
During the event
Day 1-2: The first days will focus on introducing participants get to know each other. Then we will mainly focus on platform specific (online) issues by using practical trainings and workshops, and discussions about different cases.
Day 3-4: The third and fourth day will focus on topics related to the work done offline by the NGOs. How to organize events, how to share knowledge effectively and inspiringly, how to design projects, how to initiate partnerships, what tools to use and when and suggestions on who to contact within the international Wikimedia movement for different issues.
August-December 2019: Post event survey, completing the documentation from discussions and activities so that the event model can be shared more broadly as a tool kit for diversity leaders in Wikimedia. There will be individual follow up check-ins with each participant and further planning to support their work. Participants will be invited to participate in the international Wikimania 2019 conference which will take place in Stockholm (with more than 1,000 participants).
Communication plan
The goal is not to reach as many people as possible, nor is this an event intended to focus primarily on outreach. However, through the existence of the event itself we raise awareness about the issue.
We will communicate the event over a period of months in advance to attract participants. All three NGOs have experience from hosting gender gap related events on or near International Women’s day in March, which will be an important opportunity for outreach and identifying good candidates to attend. We also intended to send out a press release in advance of it (with a focus on local media in the area around Tromsø).
During the event we will share material on social media, but it is expected to be rather low key as the focus is on the group. After the event we will share blog posts, instruction material, learning patterns with analysis of what worked and what didn't, as well as reports about the outcome.
Not finding the best suited candidates – We compete with many other possible activities during summer and need to clearly explain the values and opportunities created for the individual. We also need to actively reach out through different channels and use our vast networks to make possible participants aware of the event.
Organizing a one-off event without continued value – We will put in efforts before the event to ensure we have people participating that are planning to be involved also in the future. During the event we will aim to create a strong network so that the participants supports each other and that we encourage and empower the participants so that they feel that they can achieve their goals. After the event the organizers will support the participants to ensure continued communication and exchange, e.g. through the creation of communication channels, follow-up events and activities.