2014/Earner Badge Manual
Earner Manual for Open Badges
Here are som notes and useful links to guide you as you earn your first badges. You may have revieved an email announcing that you've earned a badge, in which case this information may turn out useful to you.
What are Badges?
Badges are virtual representations (a graphic) of physical and mental achievements: skills, learning, involvement, community, etc. For example, you might earn a badge for attending an event or a conference, creating a project, or learning a skill in college class. When individuals display those badges on a public site, employers or institutions can click on the badge to find out what that individual had to do to earn the badge.
How does one earn badges?
“Earners” can earn badges as a means to ‘count’ their learning experiences. These learning experiences can take place in and out of academia, informally and formally. Some badges are set up to be claimed by the earner as the criteria are met and the evidence for it can be provided, and some badges might be issued without the earner claiming the badge, in which case the badge issuer provides the evidence of a particular achievement.
>>Learn more about becoming a badge earner.
What is the Badge Backpack?

The “Backpack” is an area hosted by Mozilla where individuals can house and group their badges. Once an individual receives a badge, they can add it to their Backpack and manage them in any way whey perfer, for example deciding to keep some badges in the Backpack public and some not public.
How can you display your Badge?
The Earner has a few steps to complete in order to display a badge they have earned:
- the badge Issuer must issue the badge to the Earner,
- the badge Earner must set up an account on the Mozilla Backpack site,
- the badge Earner must accept the badge the badge Issuer has given them and choose to ‘push’ it out to the Backpack, and, finally,
- the badge Earner must select a way to display the badge on their chosen site.