- Wikipedia day at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Wikipedian in Academy at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Royal Institue of Technology, ending seminar where students showed off there assignments, making articles.
- Flipped classroom meeting with teachers wanting to use Wikimedia Commons as their platform for flipped movies.
- Wikipedia onlinetraining for teachers went live on Wikiversity. * GR Göteborg - planning for the SFI project.
- Stagneliusgymnasiet in Kalmar
- Täby Enskilda Gymnasium
- Two Wiki skills courses; Stockholm and Skellefteå
- Teachers night at the Nobel museum
- Online course kick-off
- Seminar for teachers at secondary high school in Täby
- Participated at Ed-camp, Tensta * Talked at a Pedagocics café in Malmö with IT-educators
- Workshop in Lund
- Workshop in Simrishamn
- Workshop for teachers at Stockholm University
- Seminar at Tierp municipality
- Work with UR in their biggest project ever, Svenska till varje pris, where they are directing to Wikiversity for teachers to share their educational ideas about their programs and about SFI in general
- Wikipedia has been educated to around 75 teachers, librarians and others within education through workshops, courses and lectures.
- Booked 2 future workshops after lectures held
- Had a blogpost published at a educational forum for teachers with information about the online course
- Had six signups for the online course for teachers
- Were published in an article at the Swedish ministry of education (Skolverket) about our night at the Nobelmuseum
- Supported one teacher from Täby gymnasium in what images to take for Commons when on fieldtrip in Spain with pupils
- The goal for the SLU is that 100 PhD students should make substantial contributions on Wikipedia
- Educate teachers through Wiki-skills and by creating educational material.
- Implementing the Wikipedia in Education program on different levels and ages.
- Introduce the concept of Wikipedia-friendly schools. --> Wikipedia education program is initiating dialouge with established organisations delivering educational resources in Sweden. Creating easy-to-find material and 'how-to' for teachers, students & pupils to use.
- Starting to translate the Wikipedia Campusambassador training to Swedish.
- Keeping a good dialouge with WMF education staff, Annie Lin, about their development and ours and what we may learn from each other.
- Initiating contact with Everton, education staff in Brazil to learn from each other.
- Inbjudna till skolvåren i Varberg och framförallt har de kommit med frågor om hur de bäst dokumenterar vad som sker under skolvåren Varberg i juni och hur vi på WMSE kan dokumentera detta och göra det fritt tillgängligt till alla att ta del av. Which is great!
- There are a lot of opportunities and interested teachers and professors.
- Well planned education program, focusing on getting fewer highly involved teachers rather than several less interested. Builds a good platform for turning them into spokespersons for both the education program and the Wikimedia projects.
- A long-term view building good relationships to teachers, professors, principals and other educational organisation as they may disseminiate knowledge of Wikipedia in education to many more than Wikimedia Sverige could reach out to alone.
- Talking at events which are freely visited by teachers but not mandatory works better than forced meeting where they are less interested generally.
- Simply being present at Ed-camps and such alikes are important to network and make a 'name' for ourselves in the educational sphere in Sweden.
- To give away workshop will have to be less generosily done, and with more focus on what they will achieve with it before offering a free workshop to them.
- Smaller groups are better! When in lectures with about ten people, there are plenty of opportunity to have dialouges about Wikipedia and it's usage in education. Whn more, there is less opportunity to talk.
- Budget
278.000 Arbetstid 57.000 övrigt (Ej fullständigt finansierad än)
- Aktuell
111.846,67 Arbetstid 19.671,81 övrigt
- Prognos
278.000 Arbetstid 57.000 övrigt
- Att det inte finns tillräckligt med pengar för att driva utbildningsprogrammet vidare
- Svårare att rekrytera enskilda lärare, studenter & elever än att hitta samarbetspartners som SLU, UR osv.
Omfördelning av budget behöver göras. 70.000 ur Planering och utvärdering (4101) behöver flyttas till 4105.