Projekt:Wikipedia i utbildning 2015/Global metrics

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Sammanställning av Globala mätetal

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 1
2. Number of newly registered users 242
3. Number of individuals involved 334
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 65
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 238
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 1 511 348
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

(Akvopediasamarbetet ej inräknat) (föreläsningar workshops ej inräknade)

Utbildningsprogrammet jan -juni

Tabellerna är sammanställningar av mätetal från aktiviteter inom utbildningsprogrammet för perioden januari-juni 2015. I den här första tabellen räknas till inblandade förutom elever och studenterna även lärare, bibliotikarier och ikt-pedagoger som deltagit i projektet.

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 1
2. Number of newly registered users 130
3. Number of individuals involved 140
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages ?
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 110
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 513672
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

Projektet på Ågesta folkhögskola

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 1
3. Number of individuals involved 2
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 7
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 1
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 17 000
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

Utbildningsprogrammet juli - dec

SLU. Kursen "Energisystemens miljöpåverkan".

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 13
3. Number of individuals involved 42
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages ?
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 13
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 378 133
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know? Kursen planeras köras igen 2016

Uppsala universitet. Kursen "Ledningsnät och dricksvattenberedning, 5 hp 1TV441 (HT 2015)".

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 27
3. Number of individuals involved 31
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 20
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 6
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 380 566
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

Nils Fredriksson Utbildning i Svedala "Lokalhistoria SA15 (HT2015)".

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 13
3. Number of individuals involved 15
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 0
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 11
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 19 214
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

Stagneliusskolan "Wikipediaexpeditionen"

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 15
3. Number of individuals involved 17
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 19
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 21
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 45 823
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

Övriga inblandade

Globala mätetal för föreläsningar och seminarier etc. under jan-juni 2015.

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 0
3. Number of individuals involved 280
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 0
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 0
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 0
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

Globala mätetal för föreläsningar och seminarier och workshops etc. under juli-dec 2015

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 0
3. Number of individuals involved 192
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 0
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 0
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 0
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

4 x Workshops för gymnasielärare i Stockholm Stad v. 44

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 0
3. Number of individuals involved 48
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 0
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 0
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 0
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

DSV International training program ICT in Education

Lägg till 30 nya användare, dessa gick inte att samla in vid tillfället på grund av att upplägget då var annorlunda. Sammanlagt handlade samarbetet om att 86 nya användare registrerade sig på Wikiversity under 2015.

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 0
2. Number of newly registered users 56
3. Number of individuals involved 70
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 0
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 55
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 111 117
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?


Akvopediasamarbetet: Rainwater Harvesting

Uppdatering: Under andra halvan av 2015 utökades resursen med ytterligare 58 832 bytes.

Global metrics: 2014–15
Calculating global metrics
1. Number of active editors involved 1
2. Number of newly registered users 0
3. Number of individuals involved 4
4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 43
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 14
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects (absolute value) 126482
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know? Yes. We asked and they will continue.

Nacka gymnasium

Projektet inleddes under december 2014 och här följer mätetal för hela perioden som eleverna jobbade med Wikipedia:

  • Antal nya användarkonton: 27
  • Antal sidor skapade: 58, varav 8 är sidor i huvudnamnrymden alltså nyskapade artiklar
  • Antal redigeringar: 328
  • Antal bytes (tecken): 244 883, varav 92 774 är tecken i huvudnamnrymden alltså tillägg till Wikipedias artiklar.

Telling your program stories

Från instruktionen för Progress Report Form:

Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.

  • We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
  • Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
  • We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
  • We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
  • You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.

Utkast round 1

In recognition of skills and contributions on the part of participating teachers in the Education Program, we have issued 8 open badges for "Wikipedia pedagogue 2015".

The Wikipedia Education Program has so far this year involved 7 different institutions, of which 3 are university institutions, and in 5 of these cases the instructing teachers has chosen to set up course page with the Education Extension on Swedish Wikipedia. This is the first time we've seen this tool put to use and it has given the student activities greater visibility and this is helpful when introducing new educators to the program, for example in our outreach activities where educators are introduced to the concept of adding Wikipedia editing to their syllabus. As a result from this initial introduction, we expect educators from this group to join the Wikipedia Education Program in the coming years. One of the classes has had the help of an ambassador, who has received a lot of praise from the instructing teacher, and one more ambassador has completed the online training on Swedish Wikiverity and is ready to help out.

(The transition from introduction to engagement seems much shorter for educators working with younger students, as they can set up school projects on Wikimini adjacent to introduction, metrics for Wikimini not included in the Global metrics...)

In our partnership with Stockholm University, we've participated in the Internation Training Program for ICT4D, which so far has resulted in 56 new users. The participants in this International Program represent around 20 countries from the Global South and they all have prominent positions within the national education system om their respective countries. The sessions are focused on introducing Wikipedia and the Wikipedia Education Program and the practical training is focused on Wikiversity as a collaborative tool for ICT in education and resource to their programs. The partnership with Stockholm University has been successful and is set to continue throughout 2015.

Utkast round 2

In the second half of 2015, two new universities joined the Education Program, with one course each; Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, both institutions signed for the course page extension on Wikipedia.

One high school in the south of Sweden decided to do a Wikipedia Expedition, and share what they learnt from their field trip to the mountin range of Sylan on the boarder between Norway and Sweden in September, to explore wildlife, nature and the life of living in the great outdoors. 15 students added 19 images to Wikimedia Commons from their Expedition to fjällen, in groups they contributed to Wikibooks, Wikivoyage and to Wikipedia.

We formed a new partnership with the Swedish Agency of Education to produce national documents for teacher training during 2016.