Jag följer i detta nu #WikiConUSA och jag hittar ett inlägg som diskuterar hur väl egentligen termen "editathon" passar för ett event som främst handlar om outreach:
- Edit-a-thon terminology. The more you think about the term "edit-a-thon" the more you realize it's actually problematic for outreach. What are do people associate with the term "thon?" A marathon is for an elite runner, where you need lots of endurance and training to participate. No novice would ever consider signing up for a marathon. Is that problematic in recruiting novice editors to come to a Wikipedia "edit-a-thon?" As for walk-a-thons, they are typically ways to raise money and makes an "ask" of ordinary folks to pledge money for each mile walked. Are Wikipedia "edit-a-thons," then, fundraisers? No they're not. My fear is that we as Wikipedians are so accustomed and close to the term edit-a-thon that we are blind to how it comes off for public outreach. I don't have a solution in mind, but I'd like to open the conversation about how we might do it better.
Jag klipper in det här för vi har ju valt att använda termer för det här projektet, för att förnya det som inte heller är helt självklart för en nybörjare med att säga "Skrivstuga".