Projekt:Öppna data 2015/Visualisering/Tävling

More and more is happening in the crossing between official open data and user generated data. The project Wikidata makes it possible to efficiently use crowdsourcing to link datasets from actors from all over the world. Wikidata has quickly developed into a hub for open data. To engage the public it is essential to in an easily understandable way explain the effects of the the work, how the different parts stick together. A visualization could help answer many questions. What happens with the data that is on Wikidata? How is it used? Is it spread online? How is it linked? This is just a few examples that can be visualized during the event. It can be about the changes in a set of open data (similar to Or about visualizing interesting representations of the data in the database (like Wikidata Tempo-Spatial display). At the same time external datasets that do not fit on Wikidata (which focus on generalized data) can be combined in ways that creates a deeper understanding or gives new insights thanks to that Wikidata includes many identifiers to the same object in other datasets.
- Data from, or about, Wikidata must be included in the visualization.
- Visualizations that combine this with other Open Data sources are encouraged by the jury.
- It is allowed to reuse resources produced before the competition starts, i.e. you do not have to start from scratch.
Anyone may enter the contest except employees of any Wikimedia affiliated organisation and people from OKFN affiliated organisations. We encourage team work.
May 4, 09.00 - June 1, 23:59 (CEST)
Deliverables are a URL on which the jury should be able to easily find:
- Infographic - a static image of the project.
- Video graphic - a 60 s long video showing the features of the project.
- Text describing what resources have been reused and what has been made during the time of the competition.
- Infoviz - the actual visualization that should have some sort of interactivity.
Source code must be published and open source (with a license compatible with, e.g. GPL, MIT etc.). Images and video must be published under any of the licenses CC0, CC BY or CC BY-SA.
The URL should be posted on this page. We encourage everybody who wants to join to list themselves there so that we easier can plan the jury work.
The top 10 submissions will enjoy a goodie bag with Wikidata decals and badges as well as Wikipedia decals and pencils.
The winner will be our pick for the Swedish national draft in the Nordic Open Data Week where two travel grants on 25,000 SEK for attendance in Slush 2015 in Helsinki and further pitching. At Slush, 3 winners will be selected by a jury. These 3 final winners will each get 50,000 NOK. Some special rules need to be considered to be eligeble for this prize, read more here.
Competitors using data from SMHI, Vinnova or Trafiklab may also get their visualizations bought for display on a value up to 20,000 SEK. Data to be used are here:
- Trafiklab:
Read here for details about this prize.
Competitors using geodata have a chance to win a grant for travel and attendance at the International Cartographic Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016.
The winners will beyond the goodie bag get Wikidata t-shirts and nice Wikipedia coffee mugs.
- Jan Ainali, Wikimedia Sverige
- Serdar Temiz, OKFNSE
- Mario Romero, KTH
- Vizidata
- Wikidata Spiral
- Wikidata Topicmaps UI
For more information see the jury comments.
- The Mediawiki API and Wikidata API-sandbox
- Wikidata Query
- Wikidata Toolkit
- Database dumps
- Swedish Open Datasets
The Challenge is organized by Wikimedia Sverige, Royal College of Science and Open Knowledge Foundation Sweden.