Projekt:Europeana Awareness 2012/English

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If you, after reading about this project, find it interesting and would like to help out, please write on the discussion page or send an email to john.andersson(at) Tell us who you are, what you want to do or whatever you have on your mind and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We need a lot of help to make the events as fun and interesting as possible!

Project plan for Europeana Awareness

Quick facts about the project

Title on the application: Europeana Awareness.
Application number: 297261
Applying organization: Europeana Foundation. In total 48 organizations are participating, of which Wikimedia Sweden is one.
Type of project: The project is centralized, which means that it is administered and followed up centrally from Brussels by the Europeana Foundation.
Official documents: The comprehensive report about what Europeana Awareness is all about (with information about all of the participating organizations)
Project leader for Wikimedia Sweden: Lennart Guldbrandsson
Staff: John Andersson (Event Manager).

For the first cut-and-paste version of this project plan see Projekt:Första versionen av Europeana Awareness projektbeskrivning.

Background to the project

Europeana Awareness is a consortium of 48 organizations in Europe, of which Wikimedia Sweden (WMSE) is one. The project is coordinated and financed by the Europeana Foundation which is a network of networks within the cultural sector. Europeana also has a portal with millions of books, paintings, movies, museum objects and other types of objects that have been digitized in Europe. The goal of Europeana is to increase the "lifelong learning, hobby research, genealogy, cultural tourism, leisure and personal enrichment, and to further encourage cultural institutions to continue to provide content".[1]

The aim of the Europeana Awareness project is according to the project description "to mobilise and widen the existing Europeana networks to encourage the cultural heritage institutions, through training and practice of public relations and user engagement, to create wider public and political awareness of content and work of Europeana".[2] The project as a whole has a lot of goals that fall outside of WMSE's work and WMSE will mainly work with Work Package 2 ("Work Package" has, in this context, the somewhat confusing abbreviation "WP").

In the project WMSE's task is to coordinate the work done by national Wikimedia Chapters to help projects succeed by reaching out to institutions and volunteers and by making them contribute as much as possible. By doing so peoples' awareness about what Europeana is working with increases (hence the name). WMSE will also write a report at the end of the project.

This is without a doubt the largest GLAM project that WMSE has organized, and it is also one of the largest in Europe.

Why this project is important

The project is important to realize for a number of reasons:

One of Europeana's stated goals with the project is that it should increase the cooperation between the European Wikimedia Chapters and support them in their work towards the GLAM sector. By achieving this the diffusion of our cultural heritage will increase through more material released under a free license. The hope is that this model will be used also by other Chapters later on.[3] By involving the public Europe's cultural treasures can be contextualized and Wikimedia is a perfect partner for this. By doing it under a free license many positive spin-off effects can be achieved when the material is used in new and innovative ways.

In addition, the project can hopefully increase the coordination of efforts in other areas between the European Chapters, improve efficiency and make it possible for them to learn from each others experiences. The project will also increased the cooperation between the Wikimedia movement and the Europeana Foundation. As the Europeana Foundation have similar goals as the Wikimedia movement and a set of great contacts this type of cooperation could come in very handy in the future for both parties.

For WMSE the project will be a positive experience that we can refer to in other contexts, for example when applying for grants or initiating collaborations. The project also provides WMSE the opportunity to try out new concepts and as the project pay the majority of the salary for one employee spin-off effects can be gained for a small organization as the WMSE as the employees in the WMSE secretariat will work together and support each others work and can act as a sounding board. The final report which will be written when the project is completed can be used as (or adapted to) a how-to guide for other Chapters if they want to initiate similar projects.

What the project is all about

During the 20 months that the project is in progress WMSE will work with organizing a number of GLAM events, participate in a few key events to learn best-practices and to meet important contacts and organize a major European wide competition.


The Edit-a-thon was cancelled in the end because of limited participation.


WMSE participated in Wikimania 2012 that took place in Washington D.C., USA between the 5-17 July. During the conference we networked and met other Wikimedians involved in GLAM actitivities (most Wikimedia Chapters sends people to participate in this yearly conference). This helped us to kick-start our work with the events and Wiki Loves Public Art (WLPA). WMSE participated in most of the GLAM related events during the conference as well as the Wikimania Takes Manhattan event and the Hack-a-thon that took place before the conference and the Unconference after the conference.[4] Two central parts of this project are cooperating across borders and making institutions, volunteers and Chapters work together – to meet IRL will help facilitate both, and also provide us with a lot of valuable inputs and ideas on how to further develop the project.

During the conference we talked about and handed out information about the project to around a hundred Wikimedians, we made a lot of new friends and heard about so many cool projects!

GLAM Events/Competitions

This is a list of the GLAM events that currently are being planned as part of the project.

  1. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/WWI Edit-a-thon (2012)
  2. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/Fashion Edit-a-thon
  3. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/GLAM-WIKI 2013 Conference
  4. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/GLAM-WIKI 2013 Conference/Hackathon
  5. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/Digikult Conference
  6. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/Dutch Hackathon
  7. WWI Edit-a-thons in June - coordinated on Meta. They will (if everything goes according to plans) take place in parallel in:
    1. France - Uncertain, we need to find someone to actively work on it.
    2. Germany - Uncertain, we need to find someone to actively work on it.
    3. UK
    4. Sweden
    5. Belgium
    6. Serbia - Uncertain, we need to find someone to actively work on it. General interest shown.
    7. Australia (Sydney)
    8. Australia (Canberra)
  8. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/Collection Days Edit-a-thon
  9. Projekt:Europeana Awareness/WikiCon Conference

One of the project goals is to co-organize at least six events/competitions, in Sweden, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and UK. We would ideally like to help out with the events that are already being planned in those countries.

The goal with this part of the project is to encourage GLAM institutions to upload their material under a free license to make it possible to use on the Wikimedia projects and to work with making their collections freely and easily accessible. To increase cooperation between the Wikimedia movement (its chapters and many volunteers), Europeana and GLAM institutions.

This could for example be achieved by inviting speakers from both Wikimedia and from other institutions and show concrete examples of cooperations and the positive experiences and results this has led to, and what the volunteers on Wikimedia can contribute with or by organizing other types of events such as editathons and hackathons.

The hope is that the majority of the practical hands-on work will be done by volunteer or staff from the national Wikimedia Chapters (because of their local expertise), but the Event Manager for Europeana Awareness will help out by coordinating the efforts and in other ways give support.

Examples on how the Event Manager could assist would be to add Europeana as a partner for the event that are being organized, something that is likely to open new doors and attract more institutions. Perhaps supply the national Wikimedia Chapters with information, contacts and digitized media that Europeana already have (which could be hard and time consuming to collect). Or perhaps suggest and contact international guests that could participate in the event (i.e. a bit of international coordination).

This part of Europeana Awareness will take place between Project month 8 and Project month 20, that is August 2012 and August 2013 (Project month 1 was January 2012).[5]

The first event is planed to be organized in Sweden in close cooperation with the newly hired Axel Pettersson, who amongst other things will be working with GLAM outreach. Events/competitions will after that be organized in the other countries depending on plans that the local Wikimedia Chapters already have, or are ready to work with. A major final conference will most likely take place in the Netherlands and it will have a budget of 17 000 Euro.

If you would like to tell us about an interesting project that you are working on and that you think we could help you with, please write and tell us about it, either on the talk page or send an email to john.andersson(at)!

Wiki Loves Public Art is a new concept, much inspired by the successful Wiki Loves Monument in which people are invited to take pictures of pieces of public art. "Public art" refers to sculptures, monuments mosaics, mural paintings, memorials and place specific installments in the public space. For them to be included in the competition they must have some form of a unique ID that have been created by someone else than us (to avoid long discussions about the lists being original research and not possible to include on Wikipedia). The main focus is on coordinating the organization and work with the WLPA together with the Wikimedia Chapters in i France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, UK and Sweden, but the goal is to also get other Wikimedia Chapters and countries to participate. We want this to at least be a pan-European contest but hopefully a global one! We are planning to organize WLPA for the first time in May 2013!

As there might be legal issues that could create problems (i.e. Freedom of Panorama) we ask you to post questions on our list with legal unclarities that we will forward to Europeana's judicial team.

If you have comments and suggestions how it should be organized in order to make it successful, please write it up on our list of what is needed for WLPA to be successful, so that we can include it in our report to Europeana in September and not miss any important issues that we should plan for. You can also write a comment either on the discussion page or write an email to john.andersson(at)

Currently there are teams working on organizing the contest in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden.

For the main page of the WLPA contest: click here.

For the project page on Wikimedia Commons page click here.

Final report

At the end of the project a major report will be produced, summarizing what has taken place and the results of the efforts and the lessons learned.

Division of labor

Lennart Guldbrandsson was the project leader. Until December 2012 Lennart took the decisions regarding major costs/expenses, approved the suggested steps before they are done and to report back to the board about the project. Lennart is also a senior Wikipedian with a lot of knowledge and experience from organizing GLAM events.

John Andersson was hired as an Event Manager for Europeana Awareness in May 2012.[6] (The role as an Event Manager was earlier refered to as Project Assistance, see the page for the publication of the hiring). John will be responsible for most of the practical work within the project. From May to the 11th of June John will be working 35 percent and he will start working full time after the 11th. In January 2013 John took over as the Project leader for the Europeana Awareness project.

Time line

  • January 2012 (Project Month 1): The Europeana Awareness project starts officially.
  • ?????: Meeting in The Hague.
  • May 2012 (Project Month 5): John Andersson starts working with the project part time (35 percent).
  • June 11th 2012 (Project Month 6): John Andersson starts working with the project full time.
  • August 2012 (Project Month 8): The GLAM events can start being organized in cooperation with the national Chapters.
  • September 2012 (Project Month 9): By then the necessary conditions for the WLPA to be successful have to be identified by WMSE.[7]
  • May 2013 (Project Month 16): The hand in time for the first report.[8]
  • August 2013 (Project Month 20): The six GLAM-events should all have taken place.
  • January 2014 (Project Month 24): The updated report for the "updated report on the content gathering campaigns" and the "report on Public Art project" will be handed in.[9]
  • January 2014 (Project Month 24): Also, the Europeana GLAM WIKI event will take place (i.e. the conference that will be organized together with Europeana).[10]


See our public auditing page for all spendings so far.

See our public auditing page for all incoming money so far.


As the goal with the project Europeana Awareness is to increase the interest and the knowledge about Europeana Foundation, this is what the focus should be all about when communicating and doing PR for the project. The goal is therefor not to spread knowledge about the project Europeana Awareness in itself as it is a tool to promote Europeana and this should be kept in mind with all external communication.[11]

The goal is to have 30 "articles in the press/blogosphere on the content gathering campaign + GLAM—WIKI collaboration" during the first year, 150 year two and 200 year three.[12]

Ways to reach the public and the volunteers

For a list with contact details to different people and organizations, see Projekt:Europeana Awareness/Att kontakta om samarbete (in Swedish).


Social media

  • Through WMSE's blog.
  • WMSE's Facebook page.
  • Twitter (managed mainly by Laura Tuononen).
  • LinkedIn.

Newspapers and other media

  • Press releases before and after the organized events and Wiki Loves Public Art.

See also


  1. Page 3 in Part B (page number 52 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work".
  2. Page 2 in Part B (page number 51 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work".
  3. Page 11 in Part B (page number 60 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work".
  5. Page 75 in Part B (page number 124 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work"
  6. Mötesprotokoll/Protokoll 2012-05-08#Beslut tagna per capsulam sedan senaste mötet.
  7. Page 12 in Part A (page number 24 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work".
  8. Page 2 in Part A (page number 14 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work", Deliverable Number D2.3 i listan.
  9. Page 2 in Part A (page number 14 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work", Deliverable Number D2.5 and D2.6 in the list.
  10. Page 2 in Part A (page number 14 in the document) in Annex I - "Description of Work", Deliverable Number D2.5 and D2.6 in the list.
  11. Sidan 76 i Del B (sidnummer 125 i dokumentet) i
  12. Sidan 62 i Del B (sidnummer 112 i dokumentet) i, se indicator nr. 2.7.